Live A More Honest Life

When we have lived or are living a life of dishonesty either consciously or unconsciously, we need lots of support. It’s sometimes hard to gain the courage to finally tell the truth and as a result live a more honest life. The more times a person continues to tell the truth, live the truth, and believe in the truth, the healthier and stronger they become mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Ideas to Help You Live a More Honest Life
As always, an accessible source of honesty and truth is nature. For example, a rose is always a rose. A horse always lives its truth as a horse. The seasons are pure and true. A dog consistently lives the true life of a dog. No lies, manipulations, or confusion.
To explore and appreciate honesty and live a more honest life, begin with a simple walk in nature. There is tremendous balance, power, and flow in the truth of nature. Another healing place to discover honesty is any twelve-step program. For example Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, or any similar program can prove quite beneficial and provide even more support.
Beginning a regular spiritual practice is also a step. It helps to discover the truth of who you are and why you are here. It is also a spiritual experience to witness the power of truth in community and see other people live a more honest life. Meditation is a simple spiritual practice that benefits your mental, physical, and spiritual health. You can find a meditation teacher in your community, take a class online or watch some of our guided meditation videos.
As a spiritual director it has always been gratifying to observe clients and patients begin their paths to embracing honesty to heal their lives. When we live our truth we become whole. Energy flows through us into the world, and we become a beacon of light, love, and hope in our world.