Make Christmas More Fun and Less Stressful

Christmas time is a time for doing special things with family, but holiday events can fill up the calendar very quickly. We often find ourselves running from one event to the next without so much as a breath in between. The holidays then become about pleasing others and not ourselves or our families. However, this can all change if you make Christmas more fun and less stressful.
To enjoy a merry time and reduce holiday stress, the trick is to prioritize and organize what is truly important.
- Together as a family, list the fun things you want to do after looking through the local newspaper/family magazine or remembering what you did last year that was a hit.
- Decide on a realistic number of events to attend and to host.
- Eliminate unrealistic and unaffordable choices.
- Remember to schedule rest periods.
In need of some ideas? You can have great fun and create warm family traditions around these simple events
- Pick out the Christmas tree
- Trim the tree
- Go to watch a Santa Claus parade
- Tour a neighborhood with lights
- Visit Santa
- Go on a sleigh ride
- Volunteer at a shelter or food bank
- Build a snowman or snow angels
- Go skating, skiing or tobogganing
- Watch favorite Christmas movies or shows
- Read favorite Christmas stories
- Bake favorite holiday treats
Make a list of the things you want to do during the month of December and the things you feel you have to do then ask yourself these two questions:
- Did I enjoy this event last year?
- Was it important to be there for others?
If the answer is yes, schedule it in. If not, eliminate it from your schedule and spend your time with the ones who really matter – you and your family.