Money is Energy

Most of the ancient spiritual traditions consider money as a source of energy. When we experience the “flow” of money we change in many ways. This idea is the root of Mindful Money®. For many of us just to say the name money can cause anxiety, fear or sadness.
Money can create energy in several ways. Listed below are five examples.
- Freedom. Money creates freedom in our lives. When we live with money not available to us we worry. Physically and mentally we can feel imprisoned or constrained. If your finances are tight each time you think about money don’t allow yourself to feel fear and anxiety. Repeat a positive affirmation such as, “I open my heart and my life to freedom and grace.”
- Choice. We have more choices in life with the energy of money. Whether we have enough money or are in financial straights realize each dollar you spend you are making a choice of where your energy is going in your life.
- Power. When we have money we create personal and business power. When we save and earn money we experience the flow of energy moving through many facets of our life.
- Happiness. The flow of money through us into the world allows us to create happiness. Of course, happiness is dependent upon money. A multitude of the population of our earth may have little access to this energy and experience pure joy on a regular basis.
- Legacy. The energy of money can help you create a legacy in this world. The energy of money helps us become great philanthropists and humanitarians. There are enumerable humanitarians who have little money but donate their time and other resources to others that live past their lives on earth. Money gives us the ability to create a powerful legacy on this planet. We have the ability to create foundations and charitable organizations that will aid people, animals and the environment long after our death.