Remembering 9/11

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Remembering 9/11

grief stress, grieving

Fourteen years later, our nation is still healing from the tragic events of 9/11. Will the pain, sadness, and even hatred ever end? The process of grieving on a national scale is a surprisingly intimate thing and there is no time limit to the grieving period. There is no difference between the grief of an individual and a nation (just on the larger scale). And as with any process, the stress of loss and grieving is an important factor to our personal and national health.

Dealing With Grief Stress

The stress of grieving is not merely mental. With every process in life, there is the physical, spiritual, and mental combined. Recognizing stress and choosing to relieve it is essential for balance in all of our lives.

Take a deep breath and a moment to look at our tips below to help relieve what stresses you:

  • Exercise to enjoy the natural endorphins your body releases.
  • Maintain an optimistic and positive outlook: the power of your thoughts is very important.
  • Practice altruism: the generous soul lives a rich abundant life.
  • Remain connected socially to family and friends.
  • Make time for gratitude and forgiveness for the enrichment of your soul.

This year, how about making it a day to help others in your commUNITY. Take this time to remember, stand united in interdependence, and turn the grief into goodness. Also, use these stress tips to achieve balance in your life and make time for inner-reflection.


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