Tag: 5 second rule

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Stop Screwing Yourself Over by Mel Robbins

Stop Screwing Yourself Over by Mel Robbins

It’s time to stop screwing yourself over – as Mel Robbins so eloquently puts it. We so often we hear the words: “your life is in your hands.”  Well, it’s the truth… Your life really is in your hands, yet how hard do we find it to take action and create the life we really…
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5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins has some of the most amazing advice. She calls it the 5 second rule. She suggests that when you feel a sliver of hesitation you should give yourself 5 seconds to react because if you don’t your brain will stop you from doing anything risky because that’s the way the feedback loops have…
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