Tag: best mindfulness apps

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

4 apps for summer weekend fun, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Network

4 Apps for Summer Weekend Fun!

Do you need some ideas for a weekend adventure? These apps may be just what you’ve been looking for! With a simple tap on your smartphone, you can find cool things for you and your family to enjoy in your own town as well as safety tips for your weekend excursions. Check out these apps for…
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4 Simple Exercise Resolutions

Millions of people have made New Year’s resolutions this year and some of the most common ones are about physical health. In fact, losing weight and staying fit and healthy are two of the top five common resolutions. While making these resolutions are great, keeping them can be difficult—25 percent of people give up on…
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Get Great Fitness Apps Today

Fitness Apps Help Your Physical and Mental Health The pandemic is keeping most of us sequestered in our homes these days. We all need to exercise our minds and bodies. Exercise gives you resilience to help fight off disease by boosting your immune system. Exercising stimulates your body’s natural stress defenses, helping your body produce…
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Hi-Tech Fitness

Every so often new trends in fitness and exercise emerge. Usually, these trends are unhealthy fad diets like the grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, or even the five-bite diet. However, there appears to be a new Mindful Exercise™ movement that could prove to be healthy and frugal: hi-tech fitness. The American Council on Exercise…
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