Tag: exercise tips

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

families that exercise, exercise together, families that exercise together

Amazing Benefits of Families Exercising Together

It’s “Exercise With Your Child Week.” Studies show families that exercise, eat meals and play together have stronger family bonds and are mentally and physically healthier. Our technological society has drawn our families into our homes in front of a screen instead of moving and playing together which creates health and happiness. Families That Exercise…
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Hi-Tech Fitness

Every so often new trends in fitness and exercise emerge. Usually, these trends are unhealthy fad diets like the grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, or even the five-bite diet. However, there appears to be a new Mindful Exercise™ movement that could prove to be healthy and frugal: hi-tech fitness. The American Council on Exercise…
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Affects of Exercise on the Mind

Science has proven a connection between exercise and the brain’s performance. So why aren’t we doing even moderate exercise during the day to supercharge our mind? As a researcher, I’ve done my studies on school aged children and have lobbied congress for bills that would provide funding for physical education across our nation’s public school…
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