Tag: flu

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Hug the Flu Away

Yes, it’s flu season, but a good hug can be just what the doctor ordered. A published study suggests that, in addition to making us feel connected with others, hugs may have prevented you from getting sick. You might think hugging would increase your exposure to germs and therefore your likelihood of getting sick. But…
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cold and flu

Flu and Cold DIY Ideas

With flu season having already begun and cold season here, now is the time to start stocking up on your cold and flu remedies and gear. You’ll need to buy batteries for your thermometers and extra medications of course, but there are also some cold and flu equipment that you can make at home. Listed…
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3 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

Cold and flu season is just around the corner. Whether you have a cold now or want to prepare just in case you do get sick, we have some flu and cold remedies for you. Three simple foods ginger, turmeric, and honey are all you need to make natural home remedies for cold and flu…
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CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Our Hero: The CDC

Flu season is near—an unpredictable and dreaded period that peaks between December and February and can last as late as May. The CDC provides information to the general public about influenza vaccines and offers materials (brochures, videos, and tools) to help businesses encourage their employees to protect their health. This service prevents illnesses and hospitalizations.…
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boost your immune system, flu season

How to Avoid the Flu

Flu Season is Early This Year It already is time to talk about the flu prevention. It is just the beginning of September and we already have people testing positive for the flu. The most effective way to not get the flu is to get the flu vaccine. It takes about ten days to two…
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