Tag: mindfulness

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

The Little Library Movement

Book lovers around the world are joining the “Little Library Movement.” While public libraries allow us to share information and stories within our community, “little libraries” create a new sense of wonder and an intimate reading experience in this digital age. Recently, budget cuts have been threatening our public libraries. Many people mistakenly consider them as…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work

Survive Your Unbearable Job

We all desire to get paid for doing work that we love; unfortunately, there are times when we are faced with unbearable jobs. It’s up to us to find Mindful ways to survive. Though times are hard and jobs are scarce, many people would love the opportunity to leave their jobs and find another. According…
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stand up to cancer, cancer, cancer foundation

Stress Training Can Help Cancer Patients

Patients who have been diagnosed with cancer have a lot of stress to deal with—they have to focus on their health, while making the necessary changes to their everyday life. Many doctors recommend that cancer patients take stress management steps in order to cope, and studies now show that those who do take stress training…
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art therapy, what is art therapy, art therapy benefits, art therapy ideas

Art Therapy Can Better Your Health

Art in itself is very therapeutic; therefore, it comes as no surprise that art therapy is a popular form of mental health treatment. Engaging the creative side of your brain on a regular basis will help you relax and may even benefit your health. What is Art Therapy? What is art therapy? It’s an established…
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national Entrepreneurship week, Entrepreneur

4 Stress Tips for Entrepreneurs

Becoming an entrepreneur means taking risks, but you should not have to risk your health. Setting aside time to lower your stress levels is not only good for your health—it’s also good for business. Here are a few stress tips for entrepreneurs. It is said that eight out of ten entrepreneurs fail within the first…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

The Science and Soul of Giving

“Helper’s high” is the term used to describe the euphoric feeling we experience when we give to others. As we shift from focusing on our own troubled busy lives, we turn from the shadows of daily life and open our hearts to the magnificent light and love possible this month. Learn more about the science…
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Disney measles, measles symptoms, measles cases, measles, measles epidemic

Measles on the Rise in the U.S.

Since the measles epidemic in Disneyland, there have been a lot of discussions about vaccinating or not vaccinating kids. No matter your stance, there’s no denying that the rise of measles in the U.S. is dangerous. U.S. Measles Epidemic The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the worldwide number of deaths due to measles has…
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Hi-Tech Fitness

Every so often new trends in fitness and exercise emerge. Usually, these trends are unhealthy fad diets like the grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, or even the five-bite diet. However, there appears to be a new Mindful Exercise™ movement that could prove to be healthy and frugal: hi-tech fitness. The American Council on Exercise…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Exercise, Exercise

Prepare for a Marathon

Has “complete a marathon” been on your to-do list for years or featured in your New Year’s resolution? There is no better time to prepare for a marathon than the present. When crossing a marathon finish line, you’re filled with an unparalleled sense of satisfaction and joy. Whether you’re completing the 26.2-miles to fulfill a…
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preventing school shootings, gun violence in schools, epidemic of school shootings

The Rising Epidemic of School Shootings

Are we as Americans doing everything we can to protect our children? A chilling new study suggests that, when it comes to school safety, we are not. There is a rising epidemic of school shootings and we must teach our children how to deal with this situation. According to the organization Everytown for Gun Safety,…
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