Tag: omega-3 fatty acids

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

3 Food Tips to Jump Start Your Memory

Many of us turn to puzzles, exercises, and even apps to help improve our memory, but there are other tastier solutions. Healthy eating is key to preserving your mental health and jump start your memory, as well as preventing cognitive decline. Science has shown time and time again that certain foods help stimulate and repair…
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increase your brain power, foods that increase your brain power, brain boosting foods, brain vitamins

Increase Your Brain Power with Food

We meditate and practice stress relieving techniques for better mental health. Yet, research shows that there’s another way to improve our cognitive capabilities. With brain boosting foods, we can eat our way to better mental health. Currently, there are 35.6 million people around the world living with dementia. According to the United Nations World Health Organization,…
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