Tag: skin care

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

eco friendly sunscreen, protect your skin, homemade sunscreen, sun damaged skin

Healing Summer Skin Damage

With the number of beach visitors slowly winding down and pools starting to close for the season, it’s time for us to assess the health of our skin after a long, heated summer. Many summer factors can wreak havoc on the health of your skin including ultraviolet rays from the sun, chlorine from your local…
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eco friendly sunscreen, protect your skin, homemade sunscreen, sun damaged skin

Natural Sun Protection for Your Skin

Thinking about spending some time in the sun this summer? Having the right sunscreen is a necessity that you can afford to skip since too much sun exposure is a summer hazard. At the same time, some sunscreen products you’re using could be hazardous for your health and the environment. Skin cancer is the most…
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Stress Impacts Beauty

Stress impacts the way you look Many of us take complicated steps in order to look younger and retain our youth. However, many of us overlook one important step: reducing our chronic stress, which can have great consequences on our appearance. Many consumers turn to makeup and other beauty products in order to continue to…
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winter skin care tips, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

Prepare Your Skin for Fall

Cold weather is fast approaching. How prepared is your skin? Dry winters and stress can contribute to inflamed skin conditions. Fortunately, you can prevent winter eczema symptoms and protect your skin with home remedies for eczema. We’ve got five Mindful winter skin care tips to help with your stress and eczema. What is Eczema? Eczema…
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Stress Impacts Beauty

Stress Takes a Toll on Beauty Many of us take complicated steps in order to look younger and retain our youth. However, many of us overlook one important step: reducing our chronic stress, which can have great consequences on our appearance. Many consumers turn to makeup and other beauty products in order to continue to…
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