Tag: summer vacation

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

summer vacation on a budget, vacation on a budget

Summer Vacation on a Budget

Planning family trips requires time and budgeting for expenses. By pre-planning your next summer vacation on a budget you avoid the stressful pitfalls of overspending, boredom, and loose ends. And it is something that you don’t have to take on by yourself. Listed below are some Mindful summer vacation on a budget ideas to help…
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Summer Travel Stress Tips

Traveling during the summer can be very stressful. Factors affecting summer travel include intense heat, increased number of people at vacation sites, costs, and the pressure to make this precious time special. Listed below are a few tips to help make your summer travel experience less stressful. Have your offense ready  Root yourself in stress…
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Study Shows Your Heart Needs a Vacation!

Skipping vacations put people at risk for burnout, which can lead to a state of depression and unhappiness, not to mention long-term illnesses like heart disease. Research tells us that it is important to set aside time for vacations. According to the Framingham Heart Study, women who take two vacations a year are 50 percent less…
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Spend An Incredible Summer, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Network

Spend an Incredible Summer With Your Kids

With school out parents either feel two things: “Wow, I can’t wait to spend more time with my kids!” or “Oh, boy, here we go. How will we fill their time?” Parents who work outside the home have no choice but to send their kids to camps or daycares during the day, but stay at…
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