Take A Picture Not A Trophy – How Real Men Shoot Animals

In a very well known Twitter post in 2014, Comedian and animal lover Ricky Gervais coined the phrase “Take a picture, not a trophy. This is how real men shoot animals” when he tweeted it with the photograph above. PETA published this article about Gervais titled “11 Times Ricky Gervais Was Spot-On About Hunting”. Additionally, they also named him PETA‘s 2013 Person Of The Year.
Other photographers have joined in by publishing some of the following “Take a picture not a trophy” photos shown below that follow suit with Gervais’:
As result, the popular slogan now appears on many types of merchandise. For example, Design by Human will let you order shirts of any type. Additionally, they also make coffee cups, phone cases, stickers and more. You can purchase shirts on Amazon or stickers on Etsy. And, TeeRepublic has not only shirts, but phone cases, coffee cups, aprons and more.
In conclusion, the Mindful Living Network loves everything about this! As a result, we invite you to share this article or any of these images on the social network of your choosing.