Effects of Lies and Dishonesty

The effects of lies and dishonesty in our lives can be tremendous. While we live in a culture of dishonesty, in a time of lies, we should strive to rise above it.
Lies and Dishonesty Are Everywhere
For example, many of us question our government’s honesty. Some before and even more after the faulty and distorted intelligence that led us into our disastrous war with Iraq. Likewise, corporations like Enron, Tyco, Exxon Mobile, Bear Stearns investment bankers, and AIG Insurance betrayed our trust and wounded our belief in fair business practices. Food manufacturers have allowed tainted products to be sold in markets around the world. Banks have eaten up our homes. Our government and corporations have been dishonest about global warming. For instance, some have actually falsified documents to prove how quickly our planet is dying.
The Catholic Church has been dishonest about sexual predators who have destroyed the lives of innocent children. Closer to home, teachers are plagued with teens plagiarizing information and purchasing papers on the Internet. Mothers and fathers worry about the honesty of their children. Therefore they install computer programs and video monitors to track their recreational pursuits. Everyday people continue to betray and divorce each other despite solemn marriage vows.
Why It Happens
Dishonesty is an epidemic that we have become accustomed. So much so that we have accepted and integrated its distortions into our daily lives. As a result, this poisons our relationships and our jobs. It also dams the flow of our spiritual lives. We can neither shine a light nor stand in someone else’s light when while in a perpetual state of hiding from others or ourselves.
When we are afraid of what others will think, we often lie. We lie to try to manage situations that are out of control, which inevitably spin further out of control. As a result, more lies are required as a result and our fear of being found out grows larger. We have to remember what we said and to whom we said it. We swirl into this destructive and exhausting pattern. When we try to hold back the truth, which naturally bubbles from the source, we divert the course of nature.
Mark Twain said , “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.” Telling the truth all the ties helps keep the effects of lies and dishonesty at bay. Therefore it is easier to live a more mindful and happier life.