It’s Time To Feed Your Soul

“Plan Your Vacation Day” is January 29
It’s time to begin planning your vacation to feed your soul. Jan 29th is Plan Your Vacation Day. Did you know we have studies showing your health and happiness get a boost from the moment you begin planning your vacation? Your mental and physical health improve when you start anticipating and planning your time off.
Get out of your rut and begin to dream and plan for your next adventure. You just got through the holidays, those shopping bills are here, and you are in the midst of this cold, dreary winter. It is an excellent time for some dreaming and planning, and you get the added health benefits from planning your next trip. Spring break, Easter week, Memorial Day , then summer all will be here before you know it.
Gather Your Tribe
Who do you want to travel with? Do you want to go with friends, as a couple, with family or maybe even spend some vacation time alone? Getting a group together for the planning will make the experience more exciting and can create better happiness for you. With early planning anything is possible. Plane tickets are cheaper on Wednesdays, and there are discounts available for almost everything when you plan ahead.
The Prescription to Feed your Soul
1. Long or short
Do you want to take several small trips or a long-extended trip? You can extend your weekends with a couple of vacation days or save all your days for a nice, long, fun trip.
2. Road trip
How about a road trip? When was the last time you loaded your car and took off in a different direction filled with unexpected fun and surprises? There is nothing like a road trip across America to restore your faith in yourself, nature, our country, and human nature.
3. History
How about diving into history? It may be time for you to revisit some history you learned years ago. For example, is there a piece of history you wanted to explore first hand but never did? Have you been to Washington DC, Mount Vernon or Monticello?
4. Adventure
Do you need to nourish your soul with an adventure? You can take on a list of National or State Parks. Is there a sport you want to take lessons and experience such as snorkeling, surfing or snow skiing?
5. Destination
Is there a famous destination you’ve always dreamed of visiting? While planning your vacation think about a life-changing visit to popular destinations like Paris, Rome, Florence, Barcelona, San Francisco or New York City.