Author: Dr. Kathleen Hall

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Retire the Right Way

Everyone retires, but not everyone is emotional or financially prepared when it comes to planning for retirement. According to a AARP survey, 43 percent of older Americans said they were ready to retire and 41 percent said that they were not. Here are Mindful tips to help ease your stress while planning for retirement: Financial…
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A Nap Zaps Stress

Make sure you schedule regular naps during this busy holiday to refresh your mind, body, and soul. A short siesta could literally save your life. According to a published study, taking a nap at least three times a week for about half an hour lowers the risk of heart-related illnesses 37 percent. Naps are also…
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9 Healing Superfoods

Here are some healing superfoods that you should have in your diet on a daily basis if possible. Food is a natural medicine for your mind and body and it’s National Nutrition Month. We thought it would be a good time to share some of the invaluable information amassed about nutrition. These foods work as…
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Surprising Rewards of Gratitude

Gratitude makes for a happy life and this is the time we should be thanking those who mean the most to us. Research shows that grateful people are more optimistic and less likely to be depressed, anxious, or stressed. A professor from the University of Illinois at Chicago reports that grateful people may experience fewer…
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STOP the Worry Habit Today

We can worry ourselves sick over everything from our bank account balance to our kids picking up some strange disease or worse yet, strange friends. The reality is more than 90 percent of our worries never happen. It’s when our concerns become constant worry that they can lead to anxiety, depression, and incredible stress in…
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Prevent Prostate Cancer

Have you, your husband, your father, and your brothers had their annual doctor’s checkup? If not, now is the time for you to encourage them to do so. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among American men and it kills tens of thousands of men every year. This month let’s take…
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Be Your Own Soul Mate

Many people nowadays are using websites, books, and quizzes to find “the one.” However, by nurturing and loving yourself you’ll soon find that you can be your own soul mate. What’s a soul mate? It’s a person who is connected to you and helps you grow. Though some people may have their doubts, most people…
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6 Creative Ways to Keep Learning

To be truly successful in life and to ensure our own physical, mental, and spiritual health it’s important that we take time to learn new things, whether it’s philosophical theory or painting. You can continue your education after graduation with a few creative steps.There are many different creative ways to keep learning such as: 6…
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positive thinking, shot of optimism

Optimism: Your All-Natural Stress Reliever

Need a health boost? Maybe all your body needs is a shot of optimism. A study published in the Health Psychology journal examined the levels of cortisol ( a stress hormone) in over a hundred adults. They found that those who were pessimistic had a higher stress baseline than optimists. Pessimistic participants also had difficulty…
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Gratitude is Heaven Itself

Gratitude is actually a physical energy. Modern science has proved what all the great religions and cultures have taught us for centuries: create gratitude for its powerful, physical, palpable energy that can be measured and documented. Studies have shown an openness of the heart improves physical and mental well-being. “Gratitude is not only the greatest…
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