Author: Dr. Kathleen Hall

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Self-Love 101

A new year means a chance for a fresh start and a better you. In order to be better, you must first love yourself.  You don’t have to wait for ‘National Self Love Month’ to start, so here’s a beginner’s guide to self love. Declutter Your Mind, Body, And Soul A big part of learning to…
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Beets: Top Youth Secret?

Beets aren’t the most popular vegetable, but they do have definite health benefits. In fact, a preliminary study from Wake Forest University shows that drinking a beetroot juice could help older brains function more efficiently. Researchers from Wake Forest University are studying the effect beetroot supplements have on older adults. Their preliminary findings are that…
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Play Makes You Happy and Healthy

When was the last time you played? Dr. Margaret Duncan, at University of Wisconsin and president of the Association of the Study of Play believes play is not the opposite of work; it is the antidote to the work of adults. Researchers link play to healthy relationships, strong family ties, and creativity. Play is absorbing…
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2021: New Year! New You!

Why is it that most of us fail to keep their New Year resolutions? We are so overbooked, overworked, and overwhelmed that our resolutions just become another “wish” list for a new life of happiness and peace that continues to elude us. Most of us are tired of living our precious lives like Billy Murray…
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5 Mindful New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a new year, which makes it the perfect time to start living a more mindful life. By making mindful New Year’s resolutions you can connect with your inner self, grow spiritually, and increase your physical fitness. Do you need a few ideas? Check out these New Year’s resolutions listed below.   Meditate every day.…
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Dream Big with Your Vision Board

The Immense Power of Your Imagination A vision board consists of pictures and phrases that best represent our dreams. We can use it to organize and clarify our life goals, putting our desires within reach. The type of materials needed for this exercise depends on the vision board you plan to design. You can create…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

8 Tips for a New Beginning

Most of us are living lives rooted in fear instead of trust. We fear having no money, losing a person we love, losing our job, losing our health, etc. The list goes on and on. Today is time for a new beginning  so start with confidence and true trust in your destiny. Here are some tips to…
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New Year: Stress Check-Up

A stress check-up is an important life tool in which you analyze your stress and make improvements. Start your new year off by starting a checklist and conducting a Mindful Living audit to reflect on your stressful experiences of the past year. This will help you better prepare for the upcoming year. Not sure how…
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5 Tips to Get Inspired and Stay Motivated

With the new beginning on the horizon, are you prepared to make some changes? And whether your resolution is to exercise or start a new career, there is one thing you’re going to need to fulfill your goals: get inspired and stay motivated. The initial moment of inspiration is wonderful, but staying motivated can be…
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Create Your Vision Board

How many of us had good intentions as we created our New Year’s resolutions for this year? Many of having written them down on a nice list and filed them away or taped them to the refrigerator. This is why the latest research shows us that 97 percent of us do not keep our resolutions.…
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