
Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

9 Ways to Pamper Yourself this Summer

Summer is a season for fun, so take some time to truly pamper yourself. If you can’t afford a vacation or spare the time for a road trip, try some small luxuries instead. Listed below are just a few ways you can pamper yourself this summer without breaking the bank. 9 ways to pamper yourself…
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Urban Beehives Save Bee Populations

Urban beekeeping is one of our future keys for not only the survival of bees but for the survival of humankind. Some of Atlanta’s largest companies are participating in saving our planet by investing in bees. AT&T, Delta, Chick-Fil-A, and Cox Enterprises, to name a few, are partnering with an urban beehive startup company, Bee…
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berry diet

A Very Berry Diet Can Help Save Your Life

Why inflammation is so dangerous? Inflammation is a critical process of your body’s immune system and helps to heal your body. When inflammation increases or gets out of control it causes damage and can result in chronic diseases such as heart disease, depression, weight gain, autoimmune diseases, and cancer, to name a few. Reduce Inflammation by…
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Yoga with Bird - Yoga For Lower Back Pain

Yoga For Lower Back Pain (Beginner Level)

Did  you know that there are specific routines in yoga for lower back pain relief? Have you ever thought about yoga as a pain treatment? If not, this beginner yoga for lower back pain is a great place to start! This is a great beginner level yoga practice that helps release tension within the low…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Spirit Houses: Shelters for Souls

One of the fundamental principles of most religions is acknowledging a higher power. Most practitioners visit a house of worship or create a sacred space of their own to honor this power. For others, they build spiritual shrines. Spirit shrines are a part of an ancient Animism practice and a cultural tradition found in Southeast…
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reading makes you smarter, reading reduces stress, facts about reading

Surprising Facts About Reading

It’s summer–time to grab a delicious book for a great summer adventure. It’s one of my favorite practices. A novel can lead you on obscure adventures into new lands and loves, biographies will give you a multitude of facts you never knew about a fascinating person and self-help books can literally transform your life by…
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hydrating fruits and vegetables, hydrating vegetables, hydrating fruits, hydrating foods

Hydrating Foods: The New Water Craze

We have long been told that at least eight glasses of water a day will keep us healthy and hydrated. However, did you know that “eating” your daily dose of water could be better for your body? According to experts, 60 percent of our bodies are made of water. It’s essential to our livelihood as…
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Memorial Day, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Memorial Day Reflection

Memorial Day, Modern Term for Decoration Day Memorial Day was formerly known as Decoration Day. Decoration Day was first enacted to honor Union and Confederate soldiers after the Civil War. Decoration Day became Memorial Day after World War I. The day was extended to honor all Americans who had died in all of our wars.…
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play tips, stop multitasking, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Family

Stop Multitasking and Play!

Multitasking is a skill that can cause stress over time. It’s draining and it keeps you from focusing your energy on important things. So, stop multitasking and get out and play with these play tips! Playing isn’t just for kids anymore. Emerging research tells us that play can rewire the brain, help reduce the risk of…
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veterans advocate, memorial day activities, honoring veterans, history of memorial day, Decoration Day,

Let’s Honor Veterans on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is right around the corner. For most people, Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, is all about vacations, parades, and family cookouts. This year, before you fire up the barbecue, take a moment to learn more about the history of Memorial Day. And don’t forget to try more mindful Memorial Day activities.…
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