
Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Burn 600 Calories in a 60 Minute Workout

How would you like to burn 600 caloris in a 60 minute workout? Jeanette Jenkins, The Hollywood Trainer, is going to show you how! Get ready to torch calories with this cardio-sculpting kickboxing workout from Jeanette Jenkins — The Hollywood Trainer. You can find more from Jeanette on her website. Video brought to you by…
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15 Minute Beginner Strength Training Workout – No Equipment Needed

Here’s a great 15 minute beginner strength training workout video, with no equipment needed! This is a 15-minute workout designed for beginners, but anyone will benefit from this full-body sweat session. You’ll learn the moves and the modifications you need to build strength and great form. Strength training is key to living a fit life,…
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Yoga For Better Sleep ♥ Easy Bedtime Yoga

This 5 minute yoga for better sleep is truly a miracle class that will help you clear your head, calm the body and let go of any tension or stress that you were been carrying throughout the day.

‘A Collective Time of Character’ – A Call to Help Unwanted Animals

Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York State, said “This is a collective time of character. You will ask yourself later in life: What did I do in this moment?” What did you do? Why not use this time to help others, particularly those that can’t help themselves? For example, almost anywhere you look there is…
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Coronavirus Tips

Preparing For and Preventing COVID-19

The coronavirus can cause pneumonia and is caused by a new member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. There are many effective ways to prepare for and prevent getting the coronavirus. Washing Your Hands Throughout the Day is First Line of Defense for Coronavirus Simply washing your hands correctly is essential…
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Guided Meditation by Dr. Kathleen Hall

A guided meditation featuring Dr Kathleen Hall to relax, restore, and renew your body and mind.

Rainbow-Chakra Meditation for Kids

This meditation video for kids uses animations to make chakra meditation as real as possible

Postpartum Guided Meditation

A guided meditation for moms with children of any age that offers a way to relax and release all of the stress and pressure from motherhood

Guided Meditation for Conscious Parenting

A 18-minute guided meditation by Elena Brower to help you teach your children from a steady and abundant place

Positive Parenting Affirmations Meditation

A positive parenting affirmation guided meditation session designed to help mothers relax and find stillness