Category: December

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Start Making Your Own Herbal Tea

There’s no better way to stay warm on chilly nights than drinking a hot brew of herbal tea. There’s a variety of brands, but fresh ingredients are not only tastier but healthier too. You can grow everything you need for fresh, health boosting tea in your own backyard. It is time to start making your…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Say “Ho Ho Ho” to Holiday Guests

The holidays are a time filled with great expectations of joy and community, along with fears of potential chaos and stress. Visiting family members and friends are one of the highest ranked sources of holiday stress. The key to surviving the possibilities of  mayhem is having a great plan. The following tips can turn visits…
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gifts for neighbors, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Gift Ideas for Your Friends Next Door

Being a considerate neighbor doesn’t just mean keeping the party music down or making sure your dog doesn’t end up in their yard. This year show your appreciation with mindful gifts for neighbors on your street. They’ll be thrilled that you were thinking of them. Mindful Gifts for Neighbors Care packages. Not sure what to…
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Stop Holiday Stress in its Tracks Today

Holiday stress is exceptionally high this year. We are experiencing the pandemic, isolation, disorientation, cold winter weather, financial insecurity, and post-election stress all simultaneously. We all must take seriously the psychological and physical effects of stress this year. Find more stress tips at The Stress Institute. Look for Psychological Symptoms Anxiety Panic attacks Hypervigilance Outbursts…
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kwanzaa, african-american culture, heritage

Diversity During the Holidays

During this time of year, millions of people around the world are embarking on traditions that have been in their family for generations. Whether you’re decorating a Christmas tree, eating latkes, or displaying your kinara, the main focus of the season is getting together as a community . Winter Holidays As most know, three of…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Curb Shopping Addictions

Do you feel the need to shop when your day is filled with stress and anxiety? Has your stress-relief shopping become an unhealthy habit? If you answered “yes,” than you may be suffering from shopping addictions. Follow our tips on how to curb shopping addictions. Relieving stress through shopping, also known as retail therapy, is…
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Girl Scouts: Badges in Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is something that most adults struggle with, not to mention children. According to TIME, when a number of Americans kids were tested on basic finance knowledge, the average was 48 percent- a failing grade. Luckily, there are agencies that are encouraging financial awareness in the next generation and one such organization is Girl…
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Holiday Welcome Tips, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Everyday, Holiday Tips

Step Out of Your Holiday Comfort Zone

Let’s all do something a little different and uncomfortable this holiday season. You can give the greatest gift of the year by stepping out of your comfort zone and creating some joy in the lives of people you don’t know well. Instead of your holiday gathering filled with just the people you know, let’s all…
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universal declaration of human rights, human rights

Defend Human Rights

It’s sometimes scary to contemplate the true horrors we humans are capable of. The History of Human Rights Day In the aftermath of World War II, millions of people were left appalled by Nazi Germany’s depraved disregard for human life. It was a dark period that no one wanted to see repeated, so the newly…
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The Science and Soul of Giving This Holiday

“Helper’s high” is the term used to describe the euphoric feeling our mind and body experience when we give to others. As we shift from focusing on our own troubled, busy lives, we turn from the shadows of our daily life and open our hearts to the magnificent light and love possible this season. The…
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