Category: Depression

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Turn Bah Humbug into Ho Ho Ho’s

What causes the holiday blues? Typical sources of holiday sadness are: stress, fatigue, financial stress, grief of an old relationship, loss of a loved one, over commercialization, unrealistic expectations and not being able to be with your family or friends at the holiday. Stress responses may include anxiety, worry or depression. You may develop physical…
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cold and flu

Flu and Cold DIY Ideas

With flu season having already begun and cold season here, now is the time to start stocking up on your cold and flu remedies and gear. You’ll need to buy batteries for your thermometers and extra medications of course, but there are also some cold and flu equipment that you can make at home. Listed…
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tips for the holiday season, holiday family tips, stress-proof holiday tips

Stress-Proof Your Holidays

The greatest challenge of the holiday season is staying balanced. From gift giving, parties, to in-laws and traveling, stress is inextricably woven into the holiday celebration. Don’t worry try our stress-proof holiday tips. 6 Stress-Proof Holiday Tips 1. Write it Down The brain can get overwhelmed with too much to do and too much information.…
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beat the winter blues, holiday blues, seasonal affective disorder, winter depression,

How Serious are Your Holiday Blues?

The holiday season is about giving to others, but don’t forget that being kind to yourself is important for your emotional and physical health. The holidays aren’t exactly a joyous time for everyone. Psychiatrist, Dr. Norman Rosenthal, notes that it’s a time when people are more aware of their loneliness. People become plagued with unpleasant…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Curb Shopping Addictions

Do you feel the need to shop when your day is filled with stress and anxiety? Has your stress-relief shopping become an unhealthy habit? If you answered “yes,” than you may be suffering from shopping addictions. Follow our tips on how to curb shopping addictions. Relieving stress through shopping, also known as retail therapy, is…
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Signs You May Have An Ulcer

It’s the most stressful time of the year. Most of us are managing holiday chaos that includes tons of stress, eating rich foods, and drinking more alcohol. Most of us think that stress or spicy foods are the leading causes of ulcers. What Is A Peptic Ulcer Your stomach is coated with a thick layer…
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Powerful Guided Imagery

One of the most powerful, effective and simple practices to boost your mental and physical health is guided imagery. Guided imagery uses words and images to help the mind focus and guide you into a state of mind-body healing. The mind is a powerful tool that controls the functions of the body. Our body responds…
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Bend Over More Often

Yoga Is for Everyone Yoga means union of the body, mind and soul. We live in a chaotic world where we continually live in our mind and forget to reconnect to our body and soul. Yoga practice keeps you connected to yourself no matter what happens throughout your life. It is a practice that creates…
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Reduce Your Job Burnout

Has work got you down? It’s normal to experience the occasional work-related blues. However, serious health problems caused by your job may lead to work burnout. Burnout impacts your productivity and enthusiasm at work, which can have terrible consequences for your job performance. It can cause significant health problems like anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, poor…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

5 Holiday Sleeping Tips

Many people look forward to the holidays, but it can be a difficult time – physically, financially, and emotionally. The Gallup Organization published a survey showing 76 percent of American adults reported losing sleep between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. In fact, about half of respondents, 49 percent, reported losing three or more hours of…
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