Category: ______Inspirational

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

family, mindfulness

Why Should I Create Mindfulness In the Family

Mindfulness is learning to pay attention in the present moment. In addition, mindfulness in the family increases joy, happiness and calmness. Creating mindfulness stops your mind from racing like a runaway train. With mindfulness in the family we can find ourselves being “swept away” by the current of our thoughts, feelings, worries, fears, stresses. Why…
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national new friends day, friends, old friends

Mirror Neurons: Why We Empathize

Your friend stubs his or her toe and you cringe. A person cries and your eyes tear. Your favorite sports team scores and your heart races. But have you ever wondered why? Empathy Study Well, researchers at UCLA (quite accidentally) discovered why humans and animals not only learn from each other but empathize as well.…
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positive affirmation, positive affirmations,

Positive Affirmations are Key to a Healthy Life

Studies show that optimism can affect your health and how long you live. Repeating positive affirmations throughout your day actually reduces stress and creates health. A study at the University of California, Los Angeles shows that students that were repeating positive affirmations when they were stressed actually produced less stress hormones. When a person repeats…
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New Year Resolutions – Create a Life of Happiness

Why is it that most of us fail to keep their New Year resolutions? We are so overbooked, overworked and overwhelmed, our resolutions just become another “wish” list for a new life of happiness and peace that continues to elude us. Before setting your goals for the new year, it is important to take a snapshot…
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gratitude quotes, be grateful

How to Be Grateful During Tough Times

This is the season in which we all stop and think about what we have to be grateful for, but if you’ve been having a difficult year, this simple task can be a challenge. Losing a job, experiencing a death in the family, or developing a serious health condition can seriously impact your sense of…
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Serenity Slows Aging

Serenity is the opposite of stress. Learn a few simple practices that scientific research has proved lowers blood pressure, lowers your heart rate, gives you an immune boost and reduces the stress hormones in your body. These practices also help your body produce calming healing hormones that de-stress the mind and body. A short meditation.…
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Finding Work-Life Balance

Most of us race through our lives. Some of us live lives of habituation. When we are unaware of our daily choices and responses, we are living mindlessly. We can become a zombie and lose consciousness of our precious life. We can find ourselves being “swept away” by the current of our thoughts, feelings, worries,…
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How to Bounce Back From Rejection

We’ve all felt rejection or been rejected at one point in our lives. Either we didn’t get the job that we wanted or the person we loved didn’t love us back. It hurts. It stings. Picking up the pieces and moving on is more challenging than it sounds. And if we don’t move on, it…
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3 Tips for Letting Go of Regret

Regret can keep you from enjoying life. Whether you wished you had taken better care of your health or learned a second language, the emotional toll can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are Mindful steps that you can take for letting go of regrets and focus on the positive things in life. Though we are all…
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Effects of Stress

Health Effects of Stress Stress is a natural and essential part of life. Our stress response is designed to protect and preserve our lives. Our bodies are constantly responding to positive and negative stress. Positive stress motivates and drives us. Negative stress affects our physical and mental health and can rob us from experiencing real happiness. If you…
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