Category: ______Inspirational

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Animals, Animals

Overcome Your Loneliness

Staying in touch with loved ones has been made easy with all of our recent technological advances; however, cases of loneliness seem to be rising. According to Duke University researchers, the number of people who said that they didn’t have someone to discuss important matters with has risen to 25 percent. Studies also show that…
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emotional health

Get an Emotional Health Check-Up

Most Americans visit their doctor every year to have a physical health check-up, but it’s also important to evaluate your mental health on a regular basis. An emotional health check-up is an important life tool in which you analyze your mental health and make improvements. Frequent overall health check-ups are important for your quality of…
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Simple Meditation Guide

Many of us are living mindlessly these days instead of mindfully. Mindful Moments are when you stop your mind, body and soul, for a moment in time and focus on one thing only. No multitasking but intentionally focusing on something for a moment. This month we are celebrating meditation so here is a simple meditation…
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The Miracle of $1.11

Who ever heard of the miracle of $1.11? We bet you won’t soon forget it… This video tells of a little girl named Tess who attempts to purchase a miracle for her brother who has a brain tumor. The family cannot afford to give him the care he needs so the little girl takes matters…
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Dance Your Stress Away

When your workout routine is exciting you are more likely to keep up your exercise regimen. This is why dancing is the perfect Mindful tip for bettering your health. There are numerous health benefits of dancing. Dancing helps you loose weight and it builds up your upper body strength. It gets your blood pumping, which…
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Live A More Honest Life

When we have lived or are living a life of dishonesty either consciously or unconsciously, we need lots of support. It’s sometimes hard to gain the courage to finally tell the truth and as a result live a more honest life.  The more times a person continues to tell the truth, live the truth, and…
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How to Fight Jealousy

A little jealousy is natural, but dwelling on it brings anger and bitterness into your life. It can even bring physical pain if it’s severe enough.  Eventually, it takes a toll both mentally and physically. Pent up jealousy can lead to constant anger, obsessive thoughts and violent acts like abuse. It  also can alienate partners,…
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Stress Tips for Introverts or Extroverts

Stress Tips for Introverts and Extroverts We all deal with stress differently and this is partially because of our different personality traits. People usually fall into one of two categories: introvert or extrovert, and fortunately, there are plenty of specialized stress tips for introverts or stress tips for extroverts. Are you an introvert or extrovert?…
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Reconnect with Mother Nature, The Way I See It

Reconnect with Mother Nature

We have spent the month of January supplying you with tons of information to help you create a happier, healthier, mindful new year. I want to end the month with a really simple, life-changing New Year’s resolution that is simple, has no cost and contains untold mental and physical health benefits.  Answer your call to…
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national day of unplugging, unplugging, technology detox

Unplug Yourself

These six simple steps are all part of my Unplug Yourself Everyday® regimen. Practice these tips to achieve a life of balance! 6 Simple Stress Tips to Unplug Everyday 1. Laughter. Laugh as often as possible to release the healing hormones known as endorphins—they are the body’s natural painkillers. You don’t have to buy pills for…
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