Category: ______Inspirational

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindfulness: The Path to Freedom

As a wise person once said, “Mindfulness is the path to freedom.” How many of us really live in the present moment? Learning to live in the present moment can be difficult. We live worried about the future, coping with guilt, and overwhelmed by the past. We can do nothing about the past and worrying about…
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How To Create Romance In Your Life

Romance for many of us these days is a long-awaited dream or an intermittent gift we rarely experience in our busy lives. Whether you are single or married you must learn how to create romance in your life. This is a chronic problem of our time. Intimacy is an essential need of every human being…
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Love Prescription

The phrase, “Love is a drug,” has been proven true in a sense with research from Syracuse University. Oxytocin: the Cuddle Hormone According to researchers from Syracuse University, brain images of people in love resemble the brain of a person on cocaine. Love makes the brain produce several euphoric chemicals such as dopamine, adrenaline, and…
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How To Create Romance In Your Life

Romance for many of us these days is a long-awaited dream or an intermittent gift we rarely experience in our busy lives. Whether you are single or married you must learn how to create romance in your life. This is a chronic problem of our time. Intimacy is an essential need of every human being…
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Be Your Own Valentine   

It is difficult to know intimacy with another person if you don’t have it with yourself first. Intimacy is the ability to experience love, acceptance, and a sense of wonder within you. Intimacy invites you into the realm of vulnerability, surrender, forgiveness, and acceptance of the essence of who you really are. It is important…
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How to Live an Intentional Life, The Way I See It

How Can We Live an Intentional Life

This is the year to focus on creating your intentional life. Living an intentional life calls you wake up and to deepen your life. Living with intention calls you to live at your full potential while also reducing your chronic stress that can lead to mental and physical illness. Intentional living consists of three key…
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No More Diets! Real Happiness, Real Simple

This year if you want to live your life experiencing happiness and balance I invite you to shift from experiencing your world from the outside into experiencing it from the inside out. You were created to experience a life of happiness, but how many of us have that experience?  The opportunity to live a life…
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It’s Time To Feed Your Soul

“Plan Your Vacation Day” is January 29 It’s time to begin planning your vacation to feed your soul. Jan 29th is Plan Your Vacation Day.  Did you know we have studies showing your health and happiness get a boost from the moment you begin planning your vacation? Your mental and physical health improve when you…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Dance Your Way to Better Health

When your workout routine is exciting you are more likely to keep up your exercise regimen. This is why dancing is the perfect Mindful tip for improving your health. There are numerous health benefits of dancing. Dancing helps you loose weight and it builds up your upper body strength. It gets your blood pumping, which…
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Which Type Of Yoga is Right For You

If you’re having a hard time squeezing exercise into your daily routine, yoga may the answer. It’s relaxing and it can be done practically anywhere—at home, outdoors, at a studio, or in your office. It’s also good for you. It strengthens your muscles, tones your body and ease aches and insomnia. If you’re ready to…
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