Category: Looking for Things to do During the Holidays?

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

minimalist lifestyle, alternative holiday

Try a Minimalist Holiday

The holiday season can be a rather busy time, and according to a survey from Consumers Report, 90 percent of Americans experience stress over holidays. Holiday stress can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, and anger. Fortunately, taking a step back and creating an alternative, minimalist holiday experience can help reduce stress and help you enjoy…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Involve the Neighbors in Holiday Festivities

The holidays aren’t just a time to celebrate with family. Getting the neighbors together for holiday festivities is a great way to further friendships and meet new residents to the area. Decorating houses and lawns typically creates holiday cheer in a community. But this year why not go a step further with caroling, volunteering, craft…
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Holiday Welcome Tips, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Everyday, Holiday Tips

Step Out of Your Holiday Comfort Zone

Let’s all do something a little different and uncomfortable this holiday season. You can give the greatest gift of the year by stepping out of your comfort zone and creating some joy in the lives of people you don’t know well. Instead of your holiday gathering filled with just the people you know, let’s all…
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holiday to do list - aromatherapy

Holiday To-Do List

We often think that the holidays are for spending quality time with our family, carrying out traditions and enjoying time at home with the ones we love the most. Although the holidays are truly a special time for our families, it should also be a relaxing time for yourself so add these in your holiday…
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service project ideas, holiday service projects

Holiday Service Project Ideas

Will you open your heart and give a different kind of gift this year? Volunteering during the holiday season is a win-win for everybody. There are many people and organizations within our community that would appreciate your help. By helping others you’ll make new friends and try new experiences. To get started, join a service organization that…
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Tis the Season to Feed your Community

The U.S. is a wealthy country. None of our citizens should go hungry and yet too many do. Millions of adults, some homeless and some not, don’t have enough food to eat. And then there are the children. Thirteen million children (or one in six kids) face hunger in the United States. Fortunately, if we…
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