Category: Mindful Exercise®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Bend Over More Often

Yoga Is for Everyone Yoga means union of the body, mind and soul. We live in a chaotic world where we continually live in our mind and forget to reconnect to our body and soul. Yoga practice keeps you connected to yourself no matter what happens throughout your life. It is a practice that creates…
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Why ‘Walk-And-Talk Meetings’ Are Great For Anyone

From status updates to problem-solving sessions, millions of American workers are wasting away their workday with constant meetings. They could be wasting away their health as well. Fortunately, a new study found a perfect solution: walking meetings. The television show The West Wing is infamous for its walk-and-talk meetings. While your department’s weekly update meeting…
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Get Great Fitness Apps Today

Fitness Apps Help Your Physical and Mental Health The pandemic is keeping most of us sequestered in our homes these days. We all need to exercise our minds and bodies. Exercise gives you resilience to help fight off disease by boosting your immune system. Exercising stimulates your body’s natural stress defenses, helping your body produce…
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4 Ways Fitness Trackers Improve Workouts

Are you one of the 22 percent of Americans who buy holiday gifts for themselves? If so, this year give yourself the gift of good physical health. A gym membership or workout clothes are good ideas, but if you want something truly special consider a fitness tracker. These sleek devices have a wide range of…
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Keep Yourself Motivated at Work

Does your job keep you seated and in front of the computer all day? Do you get a little anxious or feel unmotivated? You’re not alone. In a recent report released by the US Department of Labor, the typical American worker is only productive for less than four hours during the work day. Here are…
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families that exercise, exercise together, families that exercise together

Amazing Benefits of Families Exercising Together

It’s “Exercise With Your Child Week.” Studies show families that exercise, eat meals and play together have stronger family bonds and are mentally and physically healthier. Our technological society has drawn our families into our homes in front of a screen instead of moving and playing together which creates health and happiness. Families That Exercise…
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Fall Back Into Fitness

Fall is here and that means warm baked goods, Halloween candy, and thick slices of turkey. Fighting those extra fall pounds can be tricky, but there is a Mindful solution: incorporate fall activities into your regular exercise routine and fall back into fitness. Going for a hike through the woods or getting lost in a…
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Couch Potato Exercises 101

Watching television is fun, but it can make you sick. Being a couch potato can lead to serious health problems, including neck strain, tight hips, and an increased risk of colon cancer and heart disease. Fortunately, there are couch potato exercises you can do while you’re watching television. Finding time for exercise can be difficult…
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Get Inspired by Nature Walks

We can all do with a walk every now and then, but taking the Mindful approach to your exercise routine can turn your nature walk into eco-therapy. Nature walks have been used to treat an array of medical conditions like hypertension, headaches, stress, depression, diabetes, and digestive disorders. Walking releases endorphins in your body that…
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Bicycle Commuters Unite!

In the past, few commuters used bicycles to get to work, but that’s slowly changing. Biking to work hasn’t always been easy. Our roadways are primarily designed for automobiles, but with more and more cities investing in bike lanes and bike share programs, the numbers of bicycle commuters have increased. In fact, western cities that have…
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