Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

4 Power Foods To Boost Your Workout

Want to make the most of your morning workouts? You need to be wary of what you do and do not eat. Eating rich, greasy foods before you exercise can lead to upset stomachs. While, on the other hand, not eating before exercising can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. What’s important is striking the right…
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The Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherry is a very popular flavor. From candy to soda to cough syrup, you can find cherry flavoring everywhere. But, how many of us actually eat fresh cherries on a daily basis? Though not as popular as maybe apples or bananas, cherries are delicious and have health benefits that may surprise you. Since February is…
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february is american heart month, heart-healthy meals, heart healthy breakfast, healthy food for your heart

Eat Right for a Healthy Heart

It’s no coincidence that February was elected as American Heart Month. This is a time for celebrating love and eating healthy food for your heart. Heart-healthy meals can keep you in shape and extend your life. Fortunately, we’ve got tips on what to eat for a healthy heart, including heart healthy breakfast items. They’re a delicious…
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The Power of Red

This month millions of people will be wearing red to promote American Heart Month. This month use the color red to promote better heart health in your life and the life of others. Many people wear red to bring awareness to the dangerous effects heart disease has on our society. The CDC reports that every…
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Love Prescription

The phrase, “Love is a drug,” has been proven true in a sense with research from Syracuse University. Oxytocin: the Cuddle Hormone According to researchers from Syracuse University, brain images of people in love resemble the brain of a person on cocaine. Love makes the brain produce several euphoric chemicals such as dopamine, adrenaline, and…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Love is Good for Your Health

It’s well known that a healthy dose of self-love can have a positive impact on your life, but that’s not all. Studies show that sharing love with others can also be good for our health. It’s been found that people in lasting, loving relationships have a better quality of life than their single counterparts. Married…
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mindful health, mindful living, mindful living network, ourmln, how to quit smoking, Stop Smoking, dangers of smoking, quit smoking

This Year, Kick Your Smoking Habit

Have you made quitting your smoking habit your New Year’s resolution? You aren’t alone. Reducing or quitting smoking is one of the top ten New Year’s resolutions for Americans. Accomplishing this goal can be an uphill battle; but, if you want to learn how to quit smoking, these Mindful Health® tips can help see you through.…
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Delicious Foods that Heal Your Injuries

Whether you’ve had surgery or scrapped your knee on the pavement, waiting for your skin to heal requires patience. Luckily, there are some tasty, natural ways to improve the health of your skin and help you heal faster. Skin Healing Study So how exactly does your skin heal? Medscape says that the art of healing consists of…
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Stress Impacts Beauty

Stress impacts the way you look Many of us take complicated steps in order to look younger and retain our youth. However, many of us overlook one important step: reducing our chronic stress, which can have great consequences on our appearance. Many consumers turn to makeup and other beauty products in order to continue to…
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Mindful Tips for OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects two to three percent of the general population. The stress from this disorder can take a toll on a person’s personal and professional life. If you or someone you love has OCD, there are Mindful treatments and solutions that might be helpful. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder in…
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