Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

How to Live an Intentional Life, The Way I See It

How Can We Live an Intentional Life

This is the year to focus on creating your intentional life. Living an intentional life calls you wake up and to deepen your life. Living with intention calls you to live at your full potential while also reducing your chronic stress that can lead to mental and physical illness. Intentional living consists of three key…
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Tea Helps with Aging

Nothing warms your body and your soul like a warm cup of tea on a winter morning. Drinking hot tea can positively impact your health and since January is Hot Tea Month, it’s time that we embrace tea’s delicious anti-aging properties. History of Tea People have been drinking hot tea since 2700 B.C. It began…
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What’s the Most Depressing Day of the Year?

Dr. Cliff Arnall, a researcher at University of Cardiff’s Center for Lifelong Learning, has devised a formula that uses a variety of emotional and stress factors, to proclaim January 18 to be the most depressing day of the year in 2021. To make things worse, studies show that there are more heart attacks on Mondays…
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Ways To Cure Your Stress Hangover

When you go to bed feeling stressed you anticipate waking up feeling refreshed and renewed, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes we wake up feeling worse. Too much stress leads to stress burnout. This feeling is sometimes known as a stress hangover. Stress hangovers may occur after your body experiences an excess of stress hormones.…
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How to Stop Stress Eating

When you’re stressed, what do you turn to for comfort? Shopping? Meditating? Napping? It turns out that many Americans turn to food. This is known as stress eating or emotional eating. Stress and Eating Believe it or not, a little stress can actually suppress hunger. This is all based on the flight-or-fight principle. The adrenaline…
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Anxiety and Depression As Bad As Smoking

New Study Shows Your Mental Health Is As Important As Unhealthy Habits When assessing your health, we physicians are always concerned with the standard issues such as smoking, alcohol and drug consumption, weight, and activity level. A recent study released December 2018 from the University of California suggests we should be as concerned with asking…
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Self-Love 101

A new year means a chance for a fresh start and a better you. In order to be better, you must first love yourself.  You don’t have to wait for ‘National Self Love Month’ to start, so here’s a beginner’s guide to self love. Declutter Your Mind, Body, And Soul A big part of learning to…
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9 Tips for Getting in 10,000 Steps a Day

Have you yet to reach that 10,000-step mark with your fitness tracker? No need to worry! With these tips you’ll be able to reach your goal in no time! How Many Steps Do You Really Take in a Day? According to many experts, 10,000 steps (four to five miles) is an ideal daily walking goal…
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effects of unemployment

Unemployment Stress Tips to Help You Survive

Are you or someone you know unemployed? This can be a trying time financially, but it can also have devastating mental and physical consequences. Having the right mindful tips can prevent unemployment stress. Unemployment, especially long-term unemployment, can have terrifying financial costs. Unemployment in America It can obliterate savings and increase debt. It can also…
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Can’t Sleep? You’re Not Alone!

Do you stay awake even in the wee hours of the morning? Don’t worry—you are not alone. Over half the adult population is not getting enough sleep. They are staying awake, which, in the long run, is stressing them out. But not to fear, Mindful sleep tips can help. Take Our Stress Test Is your health…
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