Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Read Your Stress Away

Have you been feeling down lately? Do you have a book on your nightstand that you’ve been meaning to read? Today is the day to start making progress on that book and boosting your mood. Everyone can benefit from the health benefits of reading. 3 Tips to Read Your Blues Away Listed below are a…
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Stress Effects Your Kidneys

Stress and depression can compromise your internal organs—from your stomach to your brain. They can also have negative effects on your kidneys. One in three Americans is at risk for kidney disease. Stress and depression can increase the risk of kidney disease or exacerbate kidney problems. What Do Kidneys Do? It’s your kidney’s job to…
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Gardening Reduces Stress Naturally

Gardening is a physical activity that has numerous health benefits. One such benefit is stress relief, which is great as April is coming and it is known to be  Stress Awareness Month. So, if you are in the need of Eco-therapy (also known as horticultural therapy) this spring, put on your gardening gloves because gardening reduces stress naturally!…
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effect of flowers on human, flowers for your home, Why are flowers important, What do flowers do,

The Effect of Flowers on Human Beings

Why are flowers important? What is the effect of flowers on us? They reduce stress and depression! Having flowers for your home or having flowers at work can give you energy and boost your enthusiasm. So, in all, they help promote better mental and physical health. The Effect of Flowers on Human Beings Why are…
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Tired of Procrastinating?

Why Do We Procrastinate? Feeling Overwhelmed. When we feel overwhelmed with too much work we feel paralyzed and overloaded. When you see a new thing to do you just get flooded. Lack of Relevance. The project doesn’t have any real importance or relevancy to you so you are reluctant to put time into it or…
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5 Tips for a Meditative Morning Run

Do you have a busy morning routine? Most people do, and unfortunately, they may have to choose between making time for morning exercises or meditations. But, there is a solution. By taking up running, men and women can get a cardio workout while they meditate. Most people take up running for health reasons. Running burns…
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Reverse Brain Aging Now

The key to restoring, maintaining and reversing your brain health is Brain S.E.L.F. Care. Nourishing and stimulating the brain on a daily basis is the key to reversing aging, and maintaining healthy brain cells, neurogenesis, (creating more brain cells), preventing memory loss and brain diseases. Your brain is your most prized real estate so make…
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The Surprising Benefits of Ecotherapy

It’s almost Spring and Mother Nature is beckoning you to get outside and join her majesty today. With good reason too, because there are many surprising benefits of Eco-therapy. Eco-therapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a natural environment to boost mental and physical health. Studies reported decreased levels of depression after a…
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Laugh Therapy for Stress Management

Have you seen a funny movie lately or watched a hilarious YouTube clip? If not, be sure to put that on the top of your to-do list. Studies show that laughter therapy is healthy. Laughter is the Best Medicine Laughter is a full body experience. Fifteen facial muscles contract during laughter. Your respiratory system (lungs,…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work

Your Office is a Germ Trap

Germs thrive in our offices due to our shared spaces and poor cleaning techniques. Commit to positively changing your work environment by taking Mindful health steps to avoid office germ illnesses. Ninety-eight percent of workers are affected by minor illness each year and many of them come in contact with these germs at work. At…
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