Category: __November

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

helper's high, helping others, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Health, Health

Got Helper’s High?

Helper’s high is the term used to describe the euphoric feeling we experience when we give to others. This is the season to open our hearts, time and money. As we shift from focusing on our own troubled and busy lives, we turn from the shadows of daily life and open our hearts to the…
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Why ‘Walk-And-Talk Meetings’ Are Great For Anyone

From status updates to problem-solving sessions, millions of American workers are wasting away their workday with constant meetings. They could be wasting away their health as well. Fortunately, a new study found a perfect solution: walking meetings. The television show The West Wing is infamous for its walk-and-talk meetings. While your department’s weekly update meeting…
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Meditation not Detention, Mindfulness in Schools, Mindful Family

Meditation, Not Detention- Mindfulness for Kids

For decades, sending disobedient children to detention has been a common form of punishment at schools. Now, new research shows that there may be a better solution: mindfulness for kids. Some examples of mindfulness in schools: An elementary school in Baltimore, Maryland, recently made news for its innovative approach to discipline. They’ve established a “Mindful…
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Finding the Right Childcare for Your Kid

Going back to work after staying home with your young child can be one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do as a parent. But the transition can be made easier when you have the right childcare service. When investigating appropriate childcare it’s important to do Mindful research. First, what are your childcare needs? Consider…
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Celebrate Native Culture

At this time of year, millions of people recount the tale of the first Thanksgiving and there’s usually a great focus on the first pilgrims. As this month is Native American Heritage Month, it’s time that we celebrate the significant contributions Native Americans have made to this country. The history of Native American Heritage Month…
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9 Healing Superfoods

Here are some healing superfoods that you should have in your diet on a daily basis if possible. Food is a natural medicine for your mind and body and it’s National Nutrition Month. We thought it would be a good time to share some of the invaluable information amassed about nutrition. These foods work as…
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Surprising Rewards of Gratitude

Gratitude makes for a happy life and this is the time we should be thanking those who mean the most to us. Research shows that grateful people are more optimistic and less likely to be depressed, anxious, or stressed. A professor from the University of Illinois at Chicago reports that grateful people may experience fewer…
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Get Great Fitness Apps Today

Fitness Apps Help Your Physical and Mental Health The pandemic is keeping most of us sequestered in our homes these days. We all need to exercise our minds and bodies. Exercise gives you resilience to help fight off disease by boosting your immune system. Exercising stimulates your body’s natural stress defenses, helping your body produce…
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meditation for athletes, Athletic Performance Enhancement

Meditation: Nature’s Athletic Performance Enhancement Drug?

Athletic performance enhancement drugs continue to plague the athletics community, even after countless doping scandals. While some athletes try to acquire medals and championship through illegal means, there is a more natural solution. There are many benefits of meditation. Meditation is not only great for reducing stress; it can also boost your athletic performance. Athletic Performance Enhancement…
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Stay Warm while Saving Energy this Winter,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Stay Warm while Saving Energy this Winter

Energy efficient homes can be a lifesaver, especially in the colder weather. Updating your home only takes a few small steps but it makes all the difference in terms of comfort and your wallet. This season, stay warm while saving energy this winter Listed below are a few tips on how to stay warm while…
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