Category: _Quarantine Trending

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Your Pandemic Home Plan

History Gives Us A Guide The COVID19 pandemic is giving families around the world to stay home together, bond, and take stock of your life. This has not happened in 100 years but this is an opportunity to weave your family closer together, get to know your children better, and inspire creativity and authenticity in…
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Coronavirus Home Remedies

The Coronavirus is spreading across the globe. If you want to prevent getting sick, or prepare yourself just in case you do get sick, we have some home remedies for the coronavirus for you. Three simple foods (ginger, turmeric, and honey) are all you need to make natural home remedies for your virus, cold or…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Family, Family, Stress

Overstressed Children Symptoms

Families, especially our children, are experiencing incredible levels of stress these days. Families the nucleus of a child’s life must address how violence and technology can impact the health of their children. Overstressed children patterns can lead to adult stress patterns as we mature into adulthood.Information overload can also be stressful in our technological age…
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broccoli, soup, leafy green

Heart-Healthy Broccoli Soup

American Heart Month is a time in which we must be mindful of our heart health and what better way to spread awareness than by making a delicious, heart-healthy meal for your loved ones? One yummy meal you’ll be thrilled to try is this broccoli, spinach, and kale soup recipe. Eat More Heart-Healthy Foods Heart…
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3 Indoor Workouts for Rainy Days

Have you ever woken up early for your morning run only to realize that’s it raining outside? Whether it’s simply drizzling or raining cats and dogs, most people get discouraged and head back to bed. It’s very tempting, but don’t take the easy way out! Get out of bed and get moving with an indoor…
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nutrients, diet, nourishment, superfoods

8 Nutrients You Need!

Food is nourishment. How well are you nourishing your body? We now have strong data on the importance of diet and the key role it plays in stress reduction and work-life balance. There are eight nutrients and foods that I keep a special eye on as part of my diet. Just being mindful of these…
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Mindfulness: The Path to Freedom

As a wise person once said, “Mindfulness is the path to freedom.” How many of us really live in the present moment? Learning to live in the present moment can be difficult. We live worried about the future, coping with guilt, and overwhelmed by the past. We can do nothing about the past and worrying about…
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book club, starting a book club, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Way I See It, The Stress Institute,, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments, Holiday, Book Club, Books

Starting a Book Club

One of the greatest avenues to meet new dynamic interesting people and to grow in your own knowledge and wisdom is to join or create a book club. You can join or begin an online book club, like, or a traditional book club. There is no substitute for the face to face interaction, fun…
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How to Stop Stress Eating

When you’re stressed, what do you turn to for comfort? Shopping? Meditating? Napping? It turns out that many Americans turn to food. This is known as stress eating or emotional eating. Stress and Eating Believe it or not, a little stress can actually suppress hunger. This is all based on the flight-or-fight principle. The adrenaline…
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Altar Your Life with a Healing Bath

Since the beginning of time, a healing bath has been a medicinal time-honored practice. For centuries, in many cultures, people traveled to hot springs to heal. It’s also been recognized as an important spiritual ritual. In our hurried society, we rush in and out of a shower, and a bath has become a luxury. Research…
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