Category: _Quarantine Trending

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Coronavirus Tips

Preparing For and Preventing COVID-19

The coronavirus can cause pneumonia and is caused by a new member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. There are many effective ways to prepare for and prevent getting the coronavirus. Washing Your Hands Throughout the Day is First Line of Defense for Coronavirus Simply washing your hands correctly is essential…
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The Healing Power of Your Shower

Water invites you to endless possibilities for physical, mental, and spiritual healing and renewal. Water draws us deeper into ourselves. There is sensual, sexual freedom connected with water. Reclaim yourself with the power of water Reclaim yourself in your morning shower and set the stage for the day. It is your time alone. It is the time in the…
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Your Brain Loves Vitamin B6

This Pandemic is Damaging Your Brain. Your brain is the most prized real estate of your body. Your precious brain needs your attention now more than ever. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a dramatic increase in depression, anxiety, psychosis, and suicidality, new research shows. Making sure your brain is being fed…
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Boost Your Immune System

A strong immune system is important for a healthy, mindful life. Unfortunately, many of your habits and lifestyle choices impair your immune system. Give your immune system the boost it needs with a few Mindful Health tips. Your immune system keeps you healthy by riding your body of infections and helping you bounce back from…
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children's exercises

Get Your Kids to Fall In Love With Working Out!

Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, feeding it with oxygen and learning-boosting nutrients like glucose. In a study, researchers found that 15-45 minutes of exercise before school reduces fidgeting among children by 50 percent. In another study, with different groups of students, the group that exercised the most did the best on tests.…
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Your Kids Won’t Eat Veggies? Get your Kids in the Garden!

You buy all the green, organic things you can and yet your little one still won’t touch them! Maybe it’s time to get your kids in the garden! According to, studies of afterschool programs suggest that kids who garden are more likely to eat the produce they grow as well as the ones you put…
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DIY Natural Deodorant

With Mindful exercise comes a lot of not-so-pleasant sweat, and nowadays people are turning to do-it-yourself recipes to rid themselves of offensive body odor. You can easily make your own DIY natural deodorant with a few ingredients from your pantry and the Mindful tips listed below. Key DIY Natural Deodorant Ingredients One of the main…
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Preserving Food at Its Peak

In previous times preserving food was not a luxury but an essential necessity for survival. You either preserved your food or you perished. I began canning again when I saw my daughters growing up and I feared they might not learn the gift of knowing how to preserve food as my grandmother and mother taught…
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Create Your Own Altar

We live in a very busy world that sometimes feels devoid of meaning or a sense of the sacred spirituality. Altars help you remember what is most important in your life. An altar is a destination that calls you to stop, focus, listen, meditate, or pray. Listed below are a few tips to help you create your own…
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Mindful Discipline Tips for Your Child, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Family

Discipline Tips for Your Child

Society is full of prescriptions for handling a child’s misbehavior. You can’t  escape nanny shows, advice from an empathetic mom or the outspoken advice from your childless coworker. Here are some mindful discipline tips. You’ve probably tried small time-outs, counting 1-2-3, various forms of punishment, bribing, nagging and offering rewards to keep your kids in…
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