Category: _Quarantine Trending

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

TexMex, chili, chili night, crock pot

Enjoy TexMex Chili Night!

Crockpots are an easy way to prepare healthy meals for the whole family. If you’re in the need of a fun recipe to use for your crockpot, try this enchilada-inspired chili. It’s delicious and your family will enjoy TexMex chili night. This creative recipe is a unique take on a traditional enchilada and it features…
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Can’t Sleep? You’re Not Alone!

Do you stay awake even in the wee hours of the morning? Don’t worry—you are not alone. Over half the adult population is not getting enough sleep. They are staying awake, which, in the long run, is stressing them out. But not to fear, Mindful sleep tips can help. Take Our Stress Test Is your health…
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Puzzles Change Your Brain

Puzzles are a powerful tool that reduces stress, increase your memory and help low the aging process of the brain. Research suggests puzzles and brain teasers may ward off dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as improve overall brain and memory function. Working puzzles stimulate the brain to release dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Dopamine helps…
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Start Making Your Own Herbal Tea

There’s no better way to stay warm on chilly nights than drinking a hot brew of herbal tea. There’s a variety of brands, but fresh ingredients are not only tastier but healthier too. You can grow everything you need for fresh, health boosting tea in your own backyard. It is time to start making your…
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The Dangers of Loneliness

Relationships and community are as essential as water, food, and air. Connection with others is essential for our survival and it is a core human need. When it comes to the dangers of loneliness the answer is very simple, we are social animals. If our needs for other human beings is not met, we suffer…
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9 Healing Superfoods

Here are some healing superfoods that you should have in your diet on a daily basis if possible. Food is a natural medicine for your mind and body and it’s National Nutrition Month. We thought it would be a good time to share some of the invaluable information amassed about nutrition. These foods work as…
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meditation for athletes, Athletic Performance Enhancement

Meditation: Nature’s Athletic Performance Enhancement Drug?

Athletic performance enhancement drugs continue to plague the athletics community, even after countless doping scandals. While some athletes try to acquire medals and championship through illegal means, there is a more natural solution. There are many benefits of meditation. Meditation is not only great for reducing stress; it can also boost your athletic performance. Athletic Performance Enhancement…
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When, Where And Why to Meditate

You may think you don’t have enough time to meditate.  However you only need 60-seconds, 5-minutes, or a short break anytime during the day to renew yourself through meditation. As a result, you will feel less stressed and more relaxed. You can practice meditation virtually anywhere. From your bedroom or car, to your office or…
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Essential Oils for Stress Relief

With aromatherapy you can use fragrant essential oils to improve your health, your mood and reduce stress. To relieve headaches brought on by stress, consider rubbing two to three drops of the essential oils into your temples. Or consider making fragrant herbal teas that you can drink and whiff in order to relieve stress. You…
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positive thinking, shot of optimism

Optimism: Your All-Natural Stress Reliever

Need a health boost? Maybe all your body needs is a shot of optimism. A study published in the Health Psychology journal examined the levels of cortisol ( a stress hormone) in over a hundred adults. They found that those who were pessimistic had a higher stress baseline than optimists. Pessimistic participants also had difficulty…
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