Category: Stress Queen

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments, Holiday, Summer, Summer SELF, SELF,

Summer De-Stress with S.E.L.F. Love

During the summer season, women experience an increase in stress as they continue to juggle their many demanding roles. Children out of school, summer camps, and summer school usually cause this stress increase. These numerous other demands are heaped on an already stressful life, and many women feel overbooked, overworked, and overwhelmed. Follow our summer…
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the healing power of water, healing water, hydrotherapy treatment

Hydrotherapy: Using Water to Heal

Water is key to a mindful life. While drinking water can heal from the inside out, hydrotherapy is a water based-treatment that heals from the outside in. With hydrotherapy treatments, you can harness the healing power of water for your overall wellbeing. Healing Waters Water has long been thought to have healing properties, and it…
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relaxation tips, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

Learn to Relax… Now

Getting stressed? Well, try relaxing for a change. With the right relaxation tips, you can improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Relaxation changes your state of mind and physically changes your body functions by lowering your blood pressure, reducing your heart rate, quieting and restoring your busy brain. By breathing in deep and…
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Play Reduces Stress and Slows Aging

Games are not just for kids anymore. More and more people over the age of 50 are venturing online to play games. People are hopping on the Internet to play for a multitude of reasons—to have fun, exercise their minds, relax, and connect with friends and family. There is a growing body of scientific evidence that suggests regular…
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emotional health

Get an Emotional Health Check-Up

Most Americans visit their doctor every year to have a physical health check-up, but it’s also important to evaluate your mental health on a regular basis. An emotional health check-up is an important life tool in which you analyze your mental health and make improvements. Frequent overall health check-ups are important for your quality of…
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stress shrinks the brain, stress and mental health

Stress Is Shrinking Your Brain

Stress is linked to brain shrinkage. A recent stress and mental health study from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio reports stress causes brain shrinkage and impairs memory. Cortisol, a hormone linked to stress, was tested in adults in their 40’s and 50’s. Individuals with higher levels of cortisol had smaller…
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Stress Tips for Introverts or Extroverts

Stress Tips for Introverts and Extroverts We all deal with stress differently and this is partially because of our different personality traits. People usually fall into one of two categories: introvert or extrovert, and fortunately, there are plenty of specialized stress tips for introverts or stress tips for extroverts. Are you an introvert or extrovert?…
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national day of unplugging, unplugging, technology detox

Unplug Yourself

These six simple steps are all part of my Unplug Yourself Everyday® regimen. Practice these tips to achieve a life of balance! 6 Simple Stress Tips to Unplug Everyday 1. Laughter. Laugh as often as possible to release the healing hormones known as endorphins—they are the body’s natural painkillers. You don’t have to buy pills for…
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Create a Stress Aid Kit

An emergency first aid kit can help cure sudden burns and cuts, but an emergency stress kit can cure physical and emotional symptoms of stress. A stress kit is simple to make and can be a Mindful way to promote Mindful Health®. A stress kit contains prepared tools and supplies that’ll stop stress in its…
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procrastination, stress

Cure Your Stress Addiction

Are you addicted to stress? Check out these five Mindful Health® tips on how to reduce stress. According to the American Psychological Association, 20 percent of Americans describe their stress levels as extreme. Unfortunately, extreme levels of stress cause adrenaline to rush through your body, this creates a “natural high.” The endorphins and dopamine can become quite…
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