Category: TO SLIDE

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

#SayHerName: Marielle Franco

The murder of Marielle Franco, a Brazilian city councilor, was a shock not just to Brazil, but the entire world. People everywhere are expressing their sorrow and anger. Demonstrators have marched in the streets of Brazil’s largest cities and #MariellePresente (“Marielle Is Here”) has trended on social media. “The end of the Military Police!” –…
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Greatest Health Threats of 2020

The World Health Organization announces the greatest health threats for 2020. Each year the W.H.O. lists the greatest threats to our health for that particular year. Diseases, drugs, vaccinations, and climate change have become great threats to our lives.  I have chosen to focus on four of the top ten health threats for 2020. Top…
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Valentine’s Day Bellini

Chef Kendrick shows how to make a simple yet tasty Valentine’s Day inspired drink in a non-alcoholic and alcoholic version using simple syrup and strawberries.

Surprising Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Do you have a forgotten bottle of apple cider vinegar in the back of your pantry or fridge? Well, now is the perfect occasion to dig it out. Turns out that apple cider vinegar, commonly used in homemade salad dressings and marinades, has some surprisingly helpful uses—from improving your health to cleaning your home. With…
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