Category: Week 1

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Live A More Honest Life

When we have lived or are living a life of dishonesty either consciously or unconsciously, we need lots of support. It’s sometimes hard to gain the courage to finally tell the truth and as a result live a more honest life.  The more times a person continues to tell the truth, live the truth, and…
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Score a Scholarship its National Scholarship Month, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Network

Tips to Score a Scholarship

Learning new things is priceless, but getting an education is can be expensive.  That’s why knowing the ideas and tips to score a scholarship is so important. If your child is heading off to college or if you’re thinking about going back to school yourself, now is a great time to start thinking about scholarships…
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6 Creative Ways to Keep Learning

To be truly successful in life and to ensure our own physical, mental, and spiritual health it’s important that we take time to learn new things, whether it’s philosophical theory or painting. You can continue your education after graduation with a few creative steps.There are many different creative ways to keep learning such as: 6…
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Start a Gratitude Diary

When last year came to an end and you were reflecting on past moments, did you recall more bad memories than good? If so, maybe it’s time for a change. Setting new year resolutions is a good idea, but also consider starting a gratitude diary. What is a Gratitude Diary? A gratitude diary is simply…
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positive thinking, shot of optimism

Optimism: Your All-Natural Stress Reliever

Need a health boost? Maybe all your body needs is a shot of optimism. A study published in the Health Psychology journal examined the levels of cortisol ( a stress hormone) in over a hundred adults. They found that those who were pessimistic had a higher stress baseline than optimists. Pessimistic participants also had difficulty…
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Gratitude is Heaven Itself

Gratitude is actually a physical energy. Modern science has proved what all the great religions and cultures have taught us for centuries: create gratitude for its powerful, physical, palpable energy that can be measured and documented. Studies have shown an openness of the heart improves physical and mental well-being. “Gratitude is not only the greatest…
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mindful work tips, networking tips

Networking Tips For Your Career

While strengthening your communications skills and fostering your thirst for knowledge can positively impact your job performance, don’t forget the importance of networking. It’s a Mindful way to further your career. When you think about traditional networking, you may assume that it involves attending special functions and making small talk with other professionals. But it’s…
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fun at work day, fun at work, work

Gratitude in the Workplace

Not everyone’s work environment is idealistic, but showing a little gratitude can go a long way. Studies from the University of Miami show that practicing “daily gratitude” can help you feel more optimistic even in trying situations. The holidays are just around the corner. Chances are that as we organize our gift list and prepare…
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Celebrate National Inspirational Role Models Month

It’s National Inspirational Role Models Month. We all need inspiration and someone who inspires you to live an intentional life. An inspirational role model is food for your soul. This person can be a beacon of light when you are experiencing tough times in life’s journey. I have many inspirational role models and I hope…
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emotional eating disorder, emotional eating, tips for emotional eating

Emotional Eating Tips That Can Change Your Life

Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed? Do you eat to feel better hoping to calm yourself when you’re sad or anxious? Stress, isolation, and sadness are often sources of emotional eating (also known as compulsive eating). Tips for Emotional Eating Disorders Triggers. Begin by identifying your triggers. Do you eat late at night,…
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