Category: Week 2

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Kick off Your Best Spring Ever

Spring is in the air! It’s time for serenity,  pause, rituals, intentions, nature, and giving. Flowers, birds and lovely weather are on the way, but spring also brings on certain types of stress unique to the season.  It seems like you need money every time you turn around for travel, clothes, gifts and home repairs. But…
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events for Women’s History Month

4 Cool Events for Women’s History Month

Expand your mind this March by seeking out fascinating and educational events for Women’s History Month. Local libraries, museums, historic sites, women’s organizations, and colleges typically host special events for Women’s History Month. Film screenings, book readings, special exhibits, musical performances, marches, and tours are just a few examples. A lot of these events are…
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