Category: Week 4

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Prevent Summer Brain Drain, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Family, Family

Prevent Summer Brain Drain

Summer brings joy to millions of American children due to one simple fact: no school. Unfortunately, these long summer breaks that kids love are troubling to their education. Without academic engagement, our kids are likely to experience summer brain drain. During the summer, children can lose one to three months worth of learning. While reading…
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Inspiring Workspaces

With the advancements in technology, the way Americans work has drastically changed. Unfortunately, American offices have not evolved at the same rate. Forbes reports that most offices are organized with uniformed cubicles that resemble a massive assembly line, rather than a place for “productive and creative” thought. Here are a few ideas how to create…
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frequent heartburn, stress and heartburn, what causes heartburn, reasons for heartburn, colorectal cancer risk, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Health, Health

Unusual Reasons for Heartburn

Are you experiencing frequent heartburn, but don’t know why? Your doctor may suggest that you reexamine your diet as heartburn is commonly caused by certain foods. But there are other, unusual reasons for heartburn. What Causes Heartburn? Heartburn occurs when acidic food or stomach acid comes up from the stomach and into the esophagus. This…
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Breaking Bad Habits for Good

Habits are a part of life; they make us who we are. Forty percent of our daily actions are habits; however, not all of them are good. Breaking bad habits requires a Mindful plan. Habits can develop for many reasons. They are usually created through repetition. Habits can also be formed when good or enjoyable…
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Go Out and Touch Someone

Science tells us that humans are healthier and live longer when we live as a community and are close to one another. There are many ways to touch and be touched to get healthy and feel loved. When we touch another or are touched by someone we experience a relaxing and healing feeling. This is…
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Add More Honey To Your Life

Thanks to bumble bees, who pollinate 80% of our nation’s crops, we can indulge in delicious honey. On average, Americans consume about 1.5 pounds of honey per person annually. It can bring a natural sweetness to everything you eat and drink. From sweetening teas to marinades for grilling, honey also has surprising health benefits. Honey…
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mindful neighborhood, block party ideas

Take the Afternoon or Weekend to Meet Your Neighbor

How well do you know your neighbor? Decades ago, strong neighborly connections were common, but today this isn’t the case. This is a shame as a Mindful community begins with a mindful neighborhood. According to the Pew Research Center, a study found that only 19 percent of American adults knew all of their neighbors. Twenty-four…
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Stress Busting School Lunches for Happier Kids,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Stress Busting School Lunches for Happier Kids

A healthy lunch can make all the difference at the office and they’re also important for our kids’ health as well. With more than one-third of American children and adolescents being overweight or obese, it’s important for us to be concerned with what our children eat. Packing our kids a homemade lunch can help lower…
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Food Poisoning: A Summer Health Challenge

In recent years, we have been experiencing unpredictable weather. In some American regions there have been unseasonably hot and humid summer weather. And temperatures are likely to continue to rise upwards this year. With temperatures in the mid-90’s and upwards, there are more opportunities for food spoilage than ever before. Food poisoning becomes a summer…
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Fight Freelance Stress!

Millions of Americans sitting in cubicles have fantasized about quitting their jobs and being their own boss. When you work for yourself, as a freelancer or contractor, you have a lot of freedom. However, with this freedom comes a lot of freelance stress. Freelancers are part of a large number of non-traditional workers known as…
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