Category: Week 4

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

August is Relaxation Month

Relaxation is Critical For Your Health Relaxation practices create better health by lowering your blood pressure, reducing your heart rate, quieting, and restoring your busy brain. Take a few minutes several times during your busy day to renew and refresh your SELF. Relaxation practices are essential for your mental, physical and spiritual health, as well…
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Back-To-School Pandemic Stress

Returning To School During the Pandemic This is a school year like no other we have ever known. Many of us are sending our children back to school virtually while others are going back into the classroom. Either version of the return to school this year is creating lots of stress and anxiety.  Managing Back…
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fair-trade, shopping, ethical shopping

Fair-Trade Shopping Made Easy

Shopping is a great American pastime that even those on a tight budget can manage to enjoy every now and again. Fortunately, more consumers are participating in ethical shopping, better known as fair trade. This trend of shopping continues to do the world of good. Fair trade products promote international equality. These products are made…
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