Get Outdoors and Enjoy Ecotherapy

Getting out in the great outdoors can have tremendous effects on your health. This summer why not enjoy ecotherapy in order to improve the health of your entire family.
Ecotherapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a natural environment as a way of boosting mental and physical health. In fact, according to a study 71 percent of participants reported feeling less depressed after a nature walk. And 90 percent of participants found that ecotherapy benefited their physical health. It improved their fitness, relieved the stiffness in their joints, and gave them a energy boost.
Ecotherapy is especially great for kids. Your children have spent this past year in school, developing their left-brain (logic and mathematics). Spend time this summer helping develop their right-brain, and let their creativity blossom just like the flowers around us. Being outside will give your family a better connection to nature and teach them invaluable lessons about life and themselves. Keep your child learning in the miraculous, creative and abundant classroom outside.
So this summer why not let the wildlife, fresh air, colors, and the sounds of the great outdoors inspire you.
Here are Mindful ways to enjoy ecotherapy this summer:
- Walk. Take a walk in nature each day. Each day notice your senses coming alive. Immerse yourself in the trees, flowers and healing sounds of nature.
- Birding. Take up Birding with your family. Get some binoculars. Google birding and discover the vast amount of information. Get ready for a fun adventure.
- The Zoo. Have your children choose their favorite animal and at home have them get online and learn as much as they can about this animal. You may have a budding Jane Goodall in your family.
- A Garden. Plant a family vegetable garden in your backyard our neighborhood plot. Your children will learn to appreciate the foods they eat when they realize the work and commitment a garden takes.
- Water. Try to play in water every chance you get. Plan to get to a swimming pool, lake or a beach every two weeks. Even a sprinkler in your yard for the kids creates laughter, play and memories.