Man Rescues Iguana In Middle of Ocean

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Man Rescues Iguana In Middle of Ocean

guy rescues iguana

Here is a heart-warming video about a guy who rescues an iguana from middle of the ocean. We invite to get ready to smile and be surprised as you watch this video. It is a spontaneous and selfless act which resulted in some very cool video (and a pretty great selfie) of a man who may not have planned to be, but certainly became this iguana’s savior. This video shows a great example of being mindful towards all animals as well as having respect for all living things. Hats off to this kind hearted soul! He certainly qualifies as a Mindful Hero® in our book!

While out for a ride in his boat, miles away from shore, he suddenly sees an iguana in the middle of the ocean. While iguanas are actually great swimmers, this one is tired from treading water and swimming frantically. You may be thinking “Well, how close can a boat get to a swimming, scared iguana?”  You may also think a wild iguana would have some hesitation before climbing on a boat.  Take a look and get ready to be surprised at how readily this iguana jumped onboard to a boat.

If you liked this video, make sure you check out our other Mindful Animal or Mindful Hero articles.

(Video shared from the Animal Lovers Facebook page)