Our Hero: The CDC

Flu season is near—an unpredictable and dreaded period that peaks between December and February and can last as late as May. The CDC provides information to the general public about influenza vaccines and offers materials (brochures, videos, and tools) to help businesses encourage their employees to protect their health. This service prevents illnesses and hospitalizations. The mindful creed of the CDC from the very beginning has been to help others with facts and information. That’s why this organization is a Mindful Hero.
What is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?
The CDC (also known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) settled roots in Atlanta, Georgia on July 1, 1946. The organization grew out of another organization, the Office of Malaria Control in War Areas, whose goal was to reduce malaria in U.S. military camps during World War II. The idea for an organization that would investigate and control communicable diseases came from Dr. Joseph Mountin, a visionary from the U.S. Public Health Service’s Bureau of State Services. The organization began with 400 employees, and today there are more than 14,000 employees, dedicated to protecting our health.
The CDC provides resources for nearly every health-related issue, from food safety to smoking. They help during health epidemics as well; for instance, there are the CDC responders that assisted with the 2014 Ebola outbreak. In addition, they have resources dedicated to wellness and mindful health such as the CDC mindful eating guide for helping people with diabetes.
CDC Flu Vaccine
The CDC produces weekly influenza reports called FluView so the general population can learn about flu season activities in their community. To learn more visit the organization’s main website.