Pump Up Your Tea By Making Sun Tea

Teas are beneficial for a variety of diseases. A study from the University of North Carolina showed that people who drink three cups of regular black or green tea a day reduce their risk of heart attack by 11 percent. Some research at Rutgers shows that tea can protect cells from carcinogens and they also shrink tumors.
The Benefits of Tea
Ginger tea has long been used throughout the centuries to help with digestive problems. Certain teas like thyme tea can help with allergies, or Echinacea may help fight flu. Rose hips teas have skin hydrating properties and nutrients like vitamin K, and bioflavonoids that help with free radicals that age us.
Use the power of the sun to create a delicious summer beverage–sun tea! It is loaded with potassium and an electrolyte-packed beverage that is easy to make and good for the earth (uses natural resources to brew).
Most commercially bottled teas contain fewer antioxidant polyphenols than home-steeped varieties, according to preliminary findings presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society. Scientists tested six brands of bottled tea and found that five contained less than 45 mg of polyphenols per 16 ounces. bottle. On the other hand, a home-brewed cup of green or black tea typically contains 50-150 mg of polyphenols.
What makes it so good for you? Is it because vitamin D from the sun is absorbed into the beverage? Well, maybe not, but you can add blueberries into your pre-mix to obtain the cancer-fighting nutrients found in that fruit–in your tea.
Sun Tea Recipe
- Use a sealable glass container (like a glass canning jar). Avoid plastic containers where heat may cause unwanted chemicals to contaminate your beverage.
- Use four tea bags (orange or black tea) to a gallon of cold/room temperature water, depending on how strong you like your tea.
- Put a 1/4 cup of blueberries into the water to steep (adding fruit likes lemon and orange can add natural sugars and vitamin C to the drink).
- Try loose green tea leaves another flavor option (using a cheesecloth to wrap the loose leaves will allow you to avoid straining the tea).
- Leave the sealed container out in the full-sun for the entire day (or at least four hours).
- Enjoy your sun tea over ice.
Enjoy Your Tea
Tea is packed with nutrition, tastes delicious and can cool your body on these hot summer days. Tea is also considered a profound spiritual element of well being and health in many cultures around the world. The tea ceremony in Japan is a very sacred and revered practice. Many hotels and restaurants have high tea practices daily you can attend. They are beautiful and meaningful if you have never had the gift of going to high tea.
Have some fun and drink healthy all at one time. You can have fun and sample a variety of teas to cool you off this summer. Some of the colorful flower or fruit teas are beautiful, delicious and healthy. Some of the healthier teas are delicious with a slice of lime, lemon or fruit over ice.