Tag: aromatherapy

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

How to Mindfully Boost Your Energy

You’re low on energy and the day has just begun. What do you do? Most Americans will start pouring a second, maybe third, cup of coffee or reach for an energy drink or shot. However, there are healthier options to boost your energy. If you’re looking for a Mindful way to boost your energy take…
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Aromatherapy 101

Humans have used aromatherapy practices since ancient times, for medicinal healing and worship rituals. Our ancestors knew aromas had a great effect upon the body, mind, and soul. With the right tips, you can take a lesson from their example and use difference scents to positively impact your life. Today, more and more research confirms…
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Altar Your Life with a Healing Bath

Since the beginning of time, a healing bath has been a medicinal time-honored practice. For centuries, in many cultures, people traveled to hot springs to heal. It’s also been recognized as an important spiritual ritual. In our hurried society, we rush in and out of a shower, and a bath has become a luxury. Research…
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Why You Should Use Aromatherapy Today

The Ancient Use of Aromatherapy Aromatherapy has been used by humans since the beginning of time. Ancient cultures used aromatherapy for medicinal healing, for worship rituals, and for personal use. The ancients knew aromas had a significant effect upon the body, mind, and soul. Research Shows Aromatherapy Effects the Mind and Body Several studies suggest that…
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energy boost, natural energy boosters, i need energy,

Boost Your Energy Levels

You’re feeling sluggish and the day has just begun. You say to yourself: I need energy! What do you do? Most Americans will start pouring a second, maybe third, cup of coffee or reach for an energy drink/shot. However, there are healthier options to consider. Coffee is one of America’s most beloved beverages and sales…
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Stress LESS With Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment. It uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses essential oils medicinally to enhance both physical and emotional health. Smelling essential oils stimulates the brain. The scent sends a signal to the part of the brain that regulates emotions. This…
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