Tag: go green

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Eco Friendly Summer Camps for Kids

Getting our children involved in eco friendly summer camps can protect the future of our planet. Fortunately, kids can learn about sustainability by attending educational summer camps. Some organizations have recognized the need for “go green” educational opportunities. Universities, animal protection agencies and environmental organizations have started eco-friendly day and overnight summer camps around the country.…
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Are You Eating a Sustainable Diet?

Were your goals this year about fitness or helping the planet? You can reach both goals by adjusting one crucial thing: your diet. According to a new study, if we all follow the national dietary guidelines it would actually help the environment. Maybe it’s time we all partake in a sustainable diet. New Sustainable Study…
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Stay Warm while Saving Energy this Winter,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

Stay Warm while Saving Energy this Winter

Energy efficient homes can be a lifesaver, especially in the colder weather. Updating your home only takes a few small steps but it makes all the difference in terms of comfort and your wallet. This season, stay warm while saving energy this winter Listed below are a few tips on how to stay warm while…
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Nature's Cleaning Trio, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

Nature’s Cleaning Trio- Eco Friendly Cleaning Products

Living green has always been very important to me. It comes with being on the farm, raising horses, rescuing and fostering dogs and cats. Living green reduces my carbon-footprint and it’s also a stress-free way to integrate green ingredients to everyday house cleaning chores. Avoiding the use of poisonous and hazardous cleaning supplies is so important…
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going green movement, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Green Living, Lightbulbs, Energy saving lightbulbs, benefits of going green, going green is good, go green ideas

Going Green is Good For Your Health

Over the years, families, schools, and companies around the world have been going green. This environmental initiative has changed the way we think about our trash and our other harmful practices that are further polluting our planet. This going green movement has a huge, positive impact on the environment, but that’s not all. Going green…
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Socially Responsible Shopping

A few years ago some considered corporate social responsibility a hot trend that was far less than a profitable. Luckily, a recent study on responsible shopping shows that nearly half of global consumers are likely to pay extra for products and services if the company gives back to society. Global consumers concerned about making social…
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How Green are You?

Taking small eco-friendly help save the planet, but looking at the bigger picture can save you money. According to Harris Interactive, more Americans are finding a way to improve their home’s energy efficiency such as turning off unnecessary lights (84 percent). If you too want to save money and the environment, maybe you should try…
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