Tag: happiness tips

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

happy living, how to be happy, serenity affirmations, personal affirmations,

4 Roots of Happy Living

Looking for a little happiness in your life? You hold the key! There are four essentials for happiness and they lead to a healthier mind, body, and soul. These four roots will ground you into your true S.E.L.F. 4 Roots of Happy Living Read below for Mindful Living Everyday® techniques to happy living. These four roots…
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Joy in 7 Steps

Why are some people so upbeat and seemingly unfazed by troubles or tension? How do they handle today’s busy lifestyles, pressures, and challenges with such confidence? It seems like happy people have secrets that can zap their stress and help them enjoy life to its fullest. You may have wondered if this optimism is inherited…
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Be Your Own Soul Mate

Many people nowadays are using websites, books, and quizzes to find “the one.” However, by nurturing and loving yourself you’ll soon find that you can be your own soul mate. What’s a soul mate? It’s a person who is connected to you and helps you grow. Though some people may have their doubts, most people…
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