Tag: mindful living

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Caffeine and Sugar Accelerate Stress

It’s National Nutrition Month, a time to evaluate the food and liquids that you consume and their impact on your body. For instance, did you know that caffeine and sugar accelerate the stress in your body? This is a good time to do a caffeine and sugar check. How much caffeine and sugar are you…
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Stop Stress By Birding

Want a simple, inexpensive, fun way to reduce your stress? Stop stress by birding. I began birding many years ago and it brings more pure joy to my life than I had ever imagined. Birding is the practice of observing birds in their natural habitat. You can do this in your backyard, a local park…
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You Get Better With Age

Just like a fine wine, you get better as you age. With every new year. you grow wiser, more emotionally stable, and more comfortable in your own skin. In short, aging increases your well being and new research proves this. Last month, Florida State University’s Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy released a study…
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Take a Mindfulness Break

Here are some simple mindfulness break ideas to help you stay in the present moment to live a healthy and happy life. Remember your breath Take short mindfulness breaks during the day. This is your first line of defense for your stress and busy life. Develop the practice of taking a deep breath, or two…
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Stress Management Tips for Children

Stress is a natural part of a child’s life. Children are very vulnerable to the stress in their lives. Children usually do not know that stress can make them sick, nervous, depressed, angry or withdrawn. Parents need to begin talking to their children at an early age and teach them how to develop awareness of…
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Stop Back to School Stress

NEW BACKPACK…$35. NEW JEANS…$55. STARTING THE SCHOOL YEAR OFF STRESS-FREE…PRICELESS! We spend billions of dollars on back-to-school spending. “Ahhh,” the back to school stress a new school year brings. For many parents and children, it is an overwhelming season of confusion, depression, and anxiety. American families are truly overwhelmed with concerns about money and time.…
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The Most Dangerous Hour of Your Life

Do you know which hour of your day is the most dangerous? Your daily commute is more stressful than what police officers experience in training. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine found that being stuck in a traffic jam more than doubles one’s chance of experiencing a heart attack in the subsequent…
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national new friends day, friends, old friends

Mirror Neurons: Why We Empathize

Your friend stubs his or her toe and you cringe. A person cries and your eyes tear. Your favorite sports team scores and your heart races. But have you ever wondered why? Empathy Study Well, researchers at UCLA (quite accidentally) discovered why humans and animals not only learn from each other but empathize as well.…
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Recycling Projects

4 Recycling Projects You’ve Got to Try

It’s National Recycling Month—the perfect time to find recycling projects to rethink our waste. With a little ingenuity, plastic bottles and cardboard boxes can easily be “upcycled” and turned into something completely different. This weekend, transform former waste into useful accessories for your home and wardrobe. 4 Recycling Projects You’ve Got to Try Recycling Project:…
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Is Stress Wrecking Your Sleep?

Is stress wrecking your sleep? Having a hard time falling asleep? There could be a number of reasons for your troubled nights. Stimulants (such as smoking and drinking) or family history could be a factor. But, one of the most common triggers for sleep problems is stress. Sleep Problems Are Common Sleep problems plague millions…
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