Tag: mindful living

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Can a Simple Flower Change Your Health?

Don’t you want to reduce stress and depression and also have more energy, enthusiasm, and compassion? Flowers are an essential tool for our mental and physical health. A behavioral research study conducted by Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, shows we feel more energy, enthusiasm, and compassion toward others and…
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Stress Impacts Beauty

Stress impacts the way you look Many of us take complicated steps in order to look younger and retain our youth. However, many of us overlook one important step: reducing our chronic stress, which can have great consequences on our appearance. Many consumers turn to makeup and other beauty products in order to continue to…
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Tea Helps with Aging

Nothing warms your body and your soul like a warm cup of tea on a winter morning. Drinking hot tea can positively impact your health and since January is Hot Tea Month, it’s time that we embrace tea’s delicious anti-aging properties. History of Tea People have been drinking hot tea since 2700 B.C. It began…
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Tea Helps with Aging

Nothing warms your body and your soul like a warm cup of tea on a winter morning. Drinking hot tea can positively impact your health and since January is Hot Tea Month, it’s time that we embrace tea’s delicious anti-aging properties. History of Tea People have been drinking hot tea since 2700 B.C. It began…
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Clutter Clearing For the Soul

Have you ever felt stuck? Not just mentally, but physically and emotionally stuck too? New clothes, new surroundings, or a new attitude can help at times, but on some occasions it’s not enough. The solution: a mindful clear out letting go of unnecessary clutter from your life a full physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental clearing.…
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2020: The Year of Mindful Living

Thank you for trusting our message and commitment to save our people and our sacred planet. We need to learn to live mindfully now more than any other time in human history. We are experiencing a global pandemic with issues of massive anxiety, depression, mental illness, climate change, political unrest, and divisiveness. Our tagline, ‘One…
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Beets: Top Youth Secret?

Beets aren’t the most popular vegetable, but they do have definite health benefits. In fact, a preliminary study from Wake Forest University shows that drinking a beetroot juice could help older brains function more efficiently. Researchers from Wake Forest University are studying the effect beetroot supplements have on older adults. Their preliminary findings are that…
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Play Makes You Happy and Healthy

When was the last time you played? Dr. Margaret Duncan, at University of Wisconsin and president of the Association of the Study of Play believes play is not the opposite of work; it is the antidote to the work of adults. Researchers link play to healthy relationships, strong family ties, and creativity. Play is absorbing…
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Beets: Shocking Fountain of Youth Secret

Beets Aren’t Popular Beets aren’t the most popular vegetable, but they do have definite health benefits. In fact, a preliminary study from Wake Forest University shows that drinking a beetroot juice could help older brains function more efficiently. Shocking Health Benefits of Beets  Researchers from Wake Forest University are studying the effect beetroot supplements have…
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New Year, New You, New Us!

A message from the Founder and CEO of Mindful Living Network. Happy New Year! I wanted to start out the New Year by humbly expressing my gratitude, and that of our team, for your commitment to live a mindful life of happiness, energy, and sustainability. We want to serve our mindful community to spread the…
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