Tag: mindfulness

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

The Power Of Positive Thinking

Bring positive energy into your life with affirmations. Beginning or ending your day with a positive statement of encouragement is an important step to Mindful Living. Research tells us every thought and emotion we have creates a chemical release into our bodies.  These powerful chemicals affect our mental, physical, and spiritual health and well being. Our minds…
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Go Barefoot for Health, National Barefoot Day, Take a Barefoot Walk, Walk Barefoot for Your Health, Healthy to Go Barefoot

Take Off Your Shoes

It’s Healthy to Go Barefoot! Your Feet Are an Information Highway.The soles of your feet have over 20,000 nerve endings. There are more nerve endings in your feet than any comparable size on your body. Eighty percent of your foot is exposed to the floor when you walk barefoot. All of those precious nerves are…
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volunteer vacations

Summer Volunteer Vacation Ideas

With the kids out of school, summer is a great time for volunteer vacations. Summer volunteer vacations programs combine sightseeing with volunteering. These alternative breaks promote mental, physical and spiritual health and well-being. Volunteering reminds us we are one human family. This act of grace will transform your life, your marriage, your children, your community and…
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happy living, how to be happy, serenity affirmations, personal affirmations,

4 Roots of Happy Living

Looking for a little happiness in your life? You hold the key! There are four essentials for happiness and they lead to a healthier mind, body, and soul. These four roots will ground you into your true S.E.L.F. 4 Roots of Happy Living Read below for Mindful Living Everyday® techniques to happy living. These four roots…
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5 Ideas for Your Home Gym

Your home isn’t just your sanctuary it can also be your peaceful fitness center if you have the right tools. Whether you have a special at-home gym or just a fitness corner in a spare room, a few creative ideas can turn even the simplest home gym into a fitness control center. 5 Ideas for…
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lgbtq pride month, pride month, lgbtq community

Let’s Celebrate Pride Month Together!

June is Pride Month for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. It’s also a time for us to recognize centuries of struggles and celebrate the achievements that have been made in the past few years. This year, let’s learn something new and honor our country’s history. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month …
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Volunteer Travel: Unconditional Love in Action

You don’t have to be “religious” in any way to appreciate the benefits of volunteering for the soul. Volunteer travel is just one of the way you can help others while traveling. Volunteer travel will change your life and those of others. Nothing feels better or brings instant joy to the heart than showing up…
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Study Shows Your Heart Needs a Vacation!

Skipping vacations put people at risk for burnout, which can lead to a state of depression and unhappiness, not to mention long-term illnesses like heart disease. Research tells us that it is important to set aside time for vacations. According to the Framingham Heart Study, women who take two vacations a year are 50 percent less…
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relaxation tips, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

Learn to Relax… Now

Getting stressed? Well, try relaxing for a change. With the right relaxation tips, you can improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Relaxation changes your state of mind and physically changes your body functions by lowering your blood pressure, reducing your heart rate, quieting and restoring your busy brain. By breathing in deep and…
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Blueberries: The Anti-Aging Fruit

Blueberries are nutritional “super fruits” that you should definitely keep in your fridge. They are packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber and have numerous health benefits. In fact, these delicious berries have anti-aging properties that can help you age gracefully. Including blueberries in your salads, smoothies, and desserts can help you age gracefully,…
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