Tag: sacred space

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Create Your Own Altar

We live in a very busy world that sometimes feels devoid of meaning or a sense of the sacred spirituality. Altars help you remember what is most important in your life. An altar is a destination that calls you to stop, focus, listen, meditate, or pray. Listed below are a few tips to help you create your own…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

Spirit Houses: Shelters for Souls

One of the fundamental principles of most religions is acknowledging a higher power. Most practitioners visit a house of worship or create a sacred space of their own to honor this power. For others, they build spiritual shrines. Spirit shrines are a part of an ancient Animism practice and a cultural tradition found in Southeast…
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Creating Your Own Sacred Space

While pilgrims have fled to the most famous sacred places in the world like Stonehenge, Fatima, and Lourdes, many of us have found our own sacred space right at our feet. These places have the power to heal our bodies, enlighten our minds, and awaken our souls. Our culture says we can have it all,…
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A Sacred Room of Your Own

How often do you take time out of your busy schedule to relax and reflect by yourself? Dedicating a few minutes or an hour every day to meditation or prayer can be important for your emotional and physical health. If you truly want to reap the benefits consider creating a sacred space within your home.…
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What is an Altar?

An altar is a sacred space you can create anywhere–in your home, on your desk or in your outdoor garden. You can create an altar wherever you want and you can use this special, meaningful place to meditate, pray, or just focus during your busy day. Understanding the meaning of altars will help you create your…
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